Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Billy No Mates

Billy No Mates 

Steve left home yesterday at 5am to get to the Shuttle and on down to job one in central France. Today he moves on to a nightmare job of work in Venice. Yes, I hear you….. Venice?... Nightmare?... Hardly. It is actually because they have several trucks and have to unload into barges to go by canal to the nearest delivery point that a barge can tie up to, then, carry every piece to the three apartments they are going to. Then repeat and repeat. So yes; it is a nightmare. 

At home, Steve and I stick firmly on a time schedule that allows us both to get all our daily triathlon training done early in the morning and all finished so that Steve  can get cleaned up and into our business at a reasonable time leaving me my computer jobs to do. This normally means that Steve turns the telly off at 9pm. He is one of those people who gets into bed pops in his Audible ear buds and pretends to listen to his current book for a while. What actually happens is that he goes to sleep immediately, even though I have the light on so that I can read a couple of chapters of whatever book I am reading before I turn the light off. 

While the Cats Away however, I catch up on the things that Steve won’t watch on TV and last night I started The Hollow Crown. Now I knew it was, The War of the Roses but I think I had it in my head that they had adapted it to a sort of Netflicks ‘House of Cards’ type series. I was obviously very wrong indeed and once started, I could not tear myself away until Part I had finished at gone eleven o’clock. Well past my bedtime by house rules. My man hates Shakespeare so it had to be done when he was away. I will hit Part II tonight but start much earlier. I did manage to wake up wondering what the devil the noise was, when my alarm went off at 5.22am, Stephens alarm is much more gentle of tone but it’s gone away with its daddy. 

Good swim 6.30-7.30am. Now, home again and have had my instructions from afar by telephone. Sitting at my desk at the upstairs window of our little cottage, I can see the Apple tree in the centre of the garden over the road, aptly named, Apple Tree Cottage. The little tree is so beautiful wearing its dainty summer blossom.

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