Thursday, November 10, 2016

Donald Trump: Day Two

I had not thought that today I would write another page in my diary, on the subject of the American Presidential elections. I found it shocking enough yesterday and with the total barrage of news on the subject, I thought enough people had already said enough loudly enough, yet as we all know when news is hot and new, they milk it for all its worth. 

On top of all the TV coverage and be sure that Stephen and I have taken a good news tour yesterday; all UK channels and also including several American news shows; there have been a glut of cartoons. Generally cartoons are amusing but most of these are far from funny. I have checked the definition of ‘Cartoon’ and it says; ‘A simple drawing showing the features of its subject in a humorously exaggerated way especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine. So I guess its right after all, to a degree anyway, though I find there to be little that is funny about this, since it will not just affect the USA but most likely it will have widened eyes over breakfast yesterday, worldwide, mostly astonished but some will pleased with this outcome, that is obvious and undeniable. 

We have had emails from friends in the USA and all are dismayed one spoke of the family being in pain and another told me she had sobbed when she first realised what the result of the election was.  

We must trust the people who will work with Donald Trump as advisors in their duly appointed positions when he moves into the White House as President of the United States. We can only hope that they will listen to their consciences and act on that rather than be the puppets for this man with the big voice who is well practiced in the hiring and firing game. Hope that they do not cave in to bullying easily. This is not a time to give in, it is a time to keep on speaking up for what we think it right. 

I hope for the best but fear the worst.


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