Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer Solstice Spooky Secret


Yesterday was the summer solstice and even though I am on holiday on the Wörter See in Carinthia, I still hoped the weather would be good at Stonehenge. I love Stonehenge and you may laugh but I feel its power. Love it even on just a simple a drive by on the way to somewhere or other I am in awe of the labour it took and the belief it took to place it there. I am one of those folk who are affected by the long dark nights and horrible short days of midwinter. The effect gets worse after the winter solstice and I find January an almost unbearable time. I keep all the lights in the house on all day long and take it personally as the light fades. The only thing that helps just a little, though I am not comforted that others suffer with me, is that I know that we are an army of S.A.D. souls. I was born in August, a child of summer and a child of two people born a few days, both with a week, either side of the summer solstice.  

Here is the poem I wrote yesterday. You may or may not spot the double entendre. Poetry is many things and one person may take something entirely different to the next. For me this has a third meaning also. Anyway it does not really matter. What does matter is that when I placed today’s poem in the numbered and dated folder 600-699, it was number 621 on June 21st.
Spooky? Maybe. 


Caused by miniscule movement further away
At first only a hint of a ripple might softly rise
Is it a waft of the wind just the slightest spray
When an undercurrent pulls back in surprise 

Absolute source of surge remains unknown
At this beginning harm is never suspected
Yet just as on the air carried a seed is sown
Falls in the soil stays the winter undetected 

Neither the ripple nor the seed start by chance
A force sets them on their course to grow
Both caught in a seemingly harmless dance
The deliberate root cause may never show

Final note. If you add together all the numbers in the year 2016…..
You have 9 which divides by 3
It is the Sixth month
Yesterday was the 21st
Just Sayin'....... Funny things happen sometimes. This is a photo taken by my husband Steve a year or so ago, in Littlehampton where we live. It has not been played with, no photo shopping. Nada.


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