Saturday, July 25, 2020

Soft 8-mile run

It is something of a habit of for us of late, to check Accuweather before setting the alarm, when we will be waking up for our alternate Runday. Then we have a short discussion as to if we will take that info as gospel or not before tumbling into bed, generally around 9.30 pm. Last night it looked a bit iffy; there was rain about and some of it heavy. Taking that on board, Steve set the alarm for one hour later than usual, allowing the very early rain spell on the chart, time to have passed although weather forecasts are not often completely reliable as we all know only too well.

The first thing Steve did when he (not exactly sprang) out of bed, was to peep through the curtains and announce to me that amazingly the forecast had been correct, it had rained hard but had now stopped.

That meant that we were on for our 6 am run today. The sky was showing no sign of brightening up when we got to our start point park place. Steve had an eight-mile run planned for today and since the more serious rain had turned into a soft drizzle that was not much more than a damp mist, we went for it, but took a tight woodland route that has a  Hazel copse with a low canopy to start, where only heavy rain gets through. It was muggy through and we both quickly cast off our top layer and tied them around our middles.

The last run we had done we had both felt tired and heavy and so had taken that and the next day quite lightly and that had paid dividends since we were both back on form today. We spoke about that as we made our way along, saying that it was a very fine balance, considering that we had during the last difficult months tried NOT to eat our way through the adversity the virus period. We have both stuck to a very strict regime that has worked very well because we are both much lighter than we were at the start in early March. Steve has lost 25 lbs and I have lost 16. 

We are both back in the clothes that had been pushed to the far end of our wardrobes. Neither of us has a single garment that is tight any more. We are both pretty pleased with our effort and discipline.

We have a pile of fat clothes of course, and it is they that have been pushed to the end of the cupboard now. Some will go to the charity shop when they open again, though most outlets are refusing to take anything in right now for obvious reasons. The phot below was taken this morning and in case you cannot make head or indeed tail of it. This is me in my very smallest jeans, take no notice of the embroidery my whole life is a stitch-up! It is to show that I am not only in them but comfortably in them.

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