Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sleep patterns of the odd



We were both tired yesterday and so since we did not have a run scheduled for today, Steve did not set the alarm. Confirming that a bit more sleep was needed, we turned in after watching the last episode of Deadwind on Netflicks, yet another of the Nordic Noir series that we have been enjoying.


This series was as good as any of the crime/police TV. We find that our recommendations are mostly ignored if they have subtitles and I find that a little mystifying because neither Steve or I, are put off by subbies, in fact not only do we not find them hard to follow but we don’t even think about it. This series starred Pihla Viitala and Lauri Tilkanen who were both excellent. It is also interesting that all of the Scandinavian yarns are filmed in places that do not grind to a halt because of a bit of snow and ice; as does happen in the UK the moment there is a fall of wet slush, the whole country falls to its knees whimpering. I have chosen Arctic Circle as our next TV bedtime story.


One thing that has come out of the plague period of our lives is that with more exercise and less stress of modern life in general that I have been sleeping much better for the most part. Last night, having gone to bed just after 9 pm, I read for a little while before turning the light off. Steve gets into bed with earbuds in and talk radio on, but is asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. I then slept soundly until 6 am and that is a long sleep by my standards, without even waking during the night. I am a ‘wake up and then get up’ person from habit, even if it just involves a walk into the bathroom but sometimes it also includes ambling into the kitchen and making a cup of hot chocolate before returning to bed and reading a few more pages before lights out for the second time.


If I do wake first I try not to make any noise and let Steve sleep on, He enjoys his sleep, whereas it is something I think I’d better do because it is what people do. I have never slept in a whole Sunday morning in my entire life. I blame the parents. They were always up early and thought that lying in bed was laziness.


So Birdy and I went up stairs and busied ourselves until Steve woke. The signal then, that Steve has surfaced, is that he scratches like a cat at the door of our bedsitting room downstairs. I fasten the door, to stop Birdy going in to wake him up, which she would do by head butting his hand and then biting it if there was no response to the head butting. So I have to go down and let him out! He woke an hour or so after me having had a long sound rest.


When all our brains were functioning, there was a discussion as to whether we would go to the beach for a swim of if we would cycle. The bike ride won. We went to the quiet road where we lived for a while some forty years ago. There we got a very useful little workout without having to suffer any traffic and we can work to a set we like to include in our training that has a nice bit of variety involved.


We had an excellent work out that was only spoilt by the fact that the scum of the earth fly tippers, had been to this pretty country lane and thrown a collection of children’s toys and bedding out on the grassy bank, baby bike, first scooter, play cart, safety gate and a large rather sad looking soft clown, no longer loved.   



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