Friday, July 17, 2020

Rolling hills and rolling thoughts

Steve took me out for a drive yesterday after we had finished our training for the day. We went to see very special friends who we have not actually seen in the flesh as it were, since way back in early spring, well before lockdown. They have such a lovely home and a huge garden that looks to us like a life time of constant back ache and hard work to keep looking half nice and tidy. I am glad that I don’t have a big garden like that; I would be found in no time curled up in a tangle of brambles that had grown faster than I could pull weeds and imprisoned me before I could get my gardening gloves off.
We were ushered round to the rear of the house sit down to chat take a cup of tea and the main reason for our arrival, to deliver a birthday present. I had also taken a little piece of my handiwork hobby for each of them. It is almost compulsory for dear ones to receive one of these silly little gifts sometime in life. It may just be an age thing but I have been thinking that I would like to give as many friends as a can a tiny little thing for them to stuff in their underwear or sock drawer that will surface occasionally and remind them of me and what a mad old bad I was, when I have drifted off to greener pastures who knows when; it is not for us to know the time or the season.
Maybe it is the age thing or maybe it is this horrendous time in all of our lives, when we have had too much time to think and chew everything over, think if there is anything left undone, anything that should have been addressed. Any misunderstanding that should have been cleared or a wrong righted.
This particular day visiting people who have been so kind to me, kindness that I have no possible way of returning, although I know that they would not think about that. I jolly well do though, and I know that I am blessed with family and friends who make the world a far better place. 

During these last months it has not been a great hardship for me if I speak the God’s honest truth. My own lockdown began on March 1st really, since that was when my husband first asked me to stay at home, though he continued to work for another week to clear all the remaining work before he closed his business premises as required.
We had more date in the diary at the end of that week that was too late to cancel and that I did not want to cancel if it could be avoided. That was a meeting in our home with friends who make up our small poetry group Scribblers. We have met regularly once a month to read our work to each other or to bring something that we wanted to share with the group. We also like to have a cup of tea or coffee and nibble a biscuit then chat at the end before going home.
I thought that it was possible that nobody would come that day due to the virus but they did. We had cleaned thoroughly before they came and we did the same thing after they had gone because these have been times when one cannot be too careful. You wouldn’t believe how much I have missed those poetry afternoons.

It has been a blessing also to have shared this time with my husband who is also my boss in our work, my best friend and my triathlon coach. We have frequently spoken about how hard it must be to be locked down in a small flat with young children or worse still teenagers! This would turn into hell on earth very quickly if you no longer loved or cared about your partner in that situation. No wonder so many ignored all the social distancing advice. I see that.

What I cannot see, is that we are in a position to go back to normal yet but so many people are doing just that. I know that our region has not been a hot spot as such but it has had its problems and worrying statistics and I know of a number of people who have had the virus. 

Missing our swimming has been an issue, but we have been able to have a few dips in the sea, though none that were a good workout if the truth be known. We did in the past know a chap who was a good triathlete but did not swim all winter but worked on his running and biking alone. So, I am thinking that it will not be the end of the world to have lost most of the summers swimming. The quality will come back in time.

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