Thursday, July 30, 2020

A very good days training

What can I say other than that this was a very good day both in my training that I worry about saying that it is going so well. It was still dark when the alarm went off this morning after a good night’s sleep when I don’t even remember waking up at all. I had seven hours sleep which is perfect for me, I rarely sleep longer than that and I don’t stay in bed once I am awake, that is something I don’t get at all; just laying in bed, not in my list of skills.

We had a most enjoyable 8-mile run that began when it was not quite fully light and in that crack of dawn moment, when we started our run we spotted two young deer in the first field we pass. They made us laugh immediately because they stood stark still for a moment and then they started off not knowing where they were going and we did a silly commentary of their conversation ‘ lets go this way…. No that way… no, I was right it’s this… no, no ok let’s turn back and go the other way’ Ditzy deer stuff.

The rest of the run was sheer joy to be out running together on a lovely day when the ground had just an edge of softness to it but not soggy. We didn’t stop for anything at all and we both knew before we checked the Garmin Forerunner that it would be a good time for the distance. Steve has a little note book where he records all of our training runs and this was a best for the 16 months since we have been using the device. A clear two minutes better than any of our other 8-milers not just seconds. We saw three pairs of deer altogether and a couple of the Big Birds which always makes us happy.

Once we got home, we had a quick second coffee as we gathered our swim kit together knowing that we could catch the high tide and had seen that it would not be rough. I stood in the bath tub and slathered myself with baby-oil to make getting into my wet suits easier. I attend to my arms most seriously, since my skin is so thin and it’s hard to get the arms right up without pinching my skin. So, I left from home with my wettie already on and done up and was happy that it was easier to get on than when I wore it last time with the weight loss plan going sensibly but well. Steve likes me to always wear my wetsuit for safety sake given my age etc. He didn’t wear his though, but then when we got to the beach, he took ages getting in with just his swim trunks on, which was good, because it gave me a good start and he is a much faster swimmer than me, he caught me soon enough though and we had a most enjoyable swim together.


When we got home, we saw that we had an email from Ironman Ironman5150 Plava Laguna in Poreč, on the Istrian Peninsula in Croatia.  The 5150 part, is what the Ironman corporation call the Olympic or Standard distance triathlon.

We had entered this event for last, May 10th but due to the pandemic it was postponed like so many events. This was a notification for Steve to register his deferral entry for May 9th next year. Mine had already been done a while back so it put our minds at rest that we were both now on the start list again.

Steve had already booked our accommodation for the stay in Poreč that looks so beautiful in all the travel photos of the area which has a fabulous old town and is on the Istrian peninsula right on the Adriatic sea. It looks to be a blissful location. We are already looking forward to it.

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