Friday, December 30, 2016

St Moritz: Swimming with the Stars at Ovaverva

                                                      Brett 'The Doc' Sutton

Steve only skied for a couple of hours first thing this morning, leaving me to faff about in the apartment and write up my diary log page about the ‘Glass Lake’ yesterday. He got back early-ish having brought his ski boots down from the slopes because he would not be using them again this holiday. 

We had a little late breakfast and coffee before wandering around to a few shops for a couple of small gifts to take home and then strode down to feed the ducks at the edge of the lake with our table scraps which has become a daily part of our routine here.

Later we went for our last swim at the Ovaverva centre that turned out to be an especially memorable session. The reason for that, was because in the next lane were 2012 Olympic Champion Nicola Sprig, and also 2015, 2016 Ironman World Champion at Kona, Hawaii, Daniela Ryf, who were being coached by none other than Brett ‘The Doc’ Sutton. 

We had to laugh because after he had ended the session with these superstars, he bowled along to another lane and gave a guy swimming there a lecture because he wasn’t using his paddles correctly! Another incurable coach.

After our swim, we walked along to the outside spa pool where the temperature is like bathwater or maybe hotter, to massage our muscles on some of the many, many jets around what must be the world’s biggest hot tub; there are dozens of different treatment jets at stations around the edge and in the middle. We knew the ones that we wanted to use and were surprised to see Sutton come into the spa pool to join his family between coaching sessions. 

Later in the changing room Steve then had the pleasure of a chat with the famous Australian coach. During their chat, it came to light that we had been around at the same time, in our early days that he mentioned when bringing Ben Bright to the UK. Steve and I and a young James Clarke, who Steve coached at that time when he first got into triathlon, all did the Ironbridge Half Ironman that year. We saw young Ben Bright at a number of races as a young athlete, years before he became Head Coach for British Triathlon.

I had told Steve that I would see him in the café upstairs after I had showered, pulled my clothes on and titivated my hair and face. When he joined me he was thrilled at having had that nice chat with Brett Sutton.

I was sitting reading magazines about the area, when he arrived and having dumped his backpack with me, he went off to buy us both a coffee. It must have been all the excitement, because he let the lady at the counter talk him into a ‘Special local coffee’ for me. Now I’m not going to say that it was both strong AND heavily alcoholic but it took me ages to drink; it was in a large glass mug that I could hardly lift. Steve said it was a celebration treat.

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