Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Fitness Police and the Price of Excess

This is the very first Tuff Fitty Ironman team, including four police officers 

The other day when a group of people from the two triathlon clubs that host training sessions at Littlehampton pool were waiting for the session to start, it struck me that within that group, were two police officers, two fire officers, a doctor, two paramedics and a nurse. That is without knowing what the several of the other people gathered there to swim did for a living.
Sarah Cotton former Fire Officer who came close to death trying to save another's life

It is not the first time this has come into my head but isn’t it interesting? Over the years we have found a similar mix in our club membership. Our club is called Trinity, we started with three members, immediately gathered another two in the same week when we mentioned to friends that we had joined the BTA (as it was then, it is now the BTF). Steve and I founded Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club and later started our present club. My husband Steve and I have been referred to over the years as ‘The Fitness Police’ when we have tried to get less enthusiastic friends to come out for a run, bike ride or meet us for a swim.
Post race photo including one woman serving in the Royal Navy and a physiotherapist 

My question here is I suppose, why does it seem that there are so many people involved I professions concerned with public safety or health, and that they hugely outnumber workers in other areas in their desire to make sure that they are healthy and fit enough to do the jobs they have chosen and enjoy some sport.
 Fire Officer
 They are all people who know how very close life can be to death.
 World Champion age group triathlete; a career in the Air Force
Some of them work in the medical world treating and caring for people who are not blessed with good health or who have suffered accidents and of course there are a few who have simply not taken care of their own health.
On a swim holiday: A Paramedic, Nurse, Doctor, Fire Officer 

We should all, in my opinion, remember that although your way of life, is your business, that much is true but it is also your responsibility, to take care of your own health and well being. You put the food you eat into your mouths, it is your choice if it be healthy food or trash. It is your choice if you behave sensibly or if you don’t. It is also up to you to get some exercise; it’s not the law of course but it is your body and in exactly the same way as we look after our children, so we should look after our own bodies. So if you don’t take any exercise and you don’t eat sensibly, not to mention the obvious dangers of smoking or drinking too much, you have nobody to blame when the old ticker starts to play up or one of the other possible ‘Prices of Excess’ strike.
 Another nurse who has been swimming with us since she was a child 

The photos I have shown today are of friends who all work or have worked in the services I mentioned above, or are within the armed forces. All these people know from their work and the life they lead, that it is better to keep yourself at least a little bit fit. Nobody can make that choice but you.
Yet another nurse
What am I missing? Why do so many people care so little for themselves. I know that some sport can be a little extreme but even walking is a fine exercise that most folk can do. It’s a mystery to me. Spread the word people.

My daughter Jacqueline who is a sports massage therapist who also walks miles (very fast) walking her dog and practicing her other profession as a photographer

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