Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Turbo and Bike Spring Cleaning.

                                               Julie and I in Edmonton summer 2014

Oh what a beautiful morning, but still very cold. Never the less, after a quite hard turbo session this morning and the usual business office work for a while, Steve set about cleaning my best racing bike. That would be Alice, who I still think of as new but she is already nearly two years old. I have just checked on a few photos and I definitely rode Alice at the World Championships in Chicago in the summer of 2015 though at the Edmonton Worlds in 2014 I was still riding Julie who was then demoted to a training bike. This morning Steve has polished Alice up and charged up the electronic gear changing system. So should a sudden burst of spring come along unexpectedly I am all set to go.

 My very old bike Paula

The bike I do turbo training on is permanently set up upstairs, in what we refer to as The Turbo Room. Actually it was once our bedroom. We have had a lot of moves in recent years but it’s pretty settled now. Julie is locked up in a shed that is locked up in the totally enclosed little back garden. Keeping Julie company in the shed (not the quality of company that she was used to) is a communal fairly old mountain bike.

Both of our best racing bikes live indoors in our bedroom showing just how highly we value our best babes. Our bikes are very close to our hearts. Even when we have company the bikes stay where they are. This may be seen as a sign of madness by non- triathletes but everybody else in our circle will understand.

Riding Alice in the World Championships in Chicago 2015

We think that people who go out and drink alcohol each and every weekend and any other time they can afford to, are a little loose in the head but there you go, it is a personal choice. Most nights we go to bed early and get up early to train and that is a big part of our lives but we do go out and enjoy ourselves but our idea of enjoying an evening out, is time spent at the movies or a theatre or dinner with friends. Going out with the intention of getting totally smashed is not an idea we understand at all.  There was a line in an old Dusty Springfield song 'Spend your days instead of counting the years'. We certainly spent our days and because there is no heavy drinking involved we can remember every moment of our fun times and that is how we like to live our lives.

The day I spent sneezing and sniffling yesterday ended when I fell asleep having spent the entire evening with a bunch of hankies sprinkled with Olbas oil up to my nose. I eventually stopped the violent sneezing but today my upper back was aching from one side to the other. Thank heavens that the brain blasting sneezing has ended. Nightmare.

Here is an old shot of Steve and I outside our business premises, Stephen Belt Antiques and Shipping with me there holding on to Julie and Steve has charge of Paula. 
Poor old bikes get to do a lot of service to their loving owners.

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