Saturday, November 14, 2020

Keeping busy through Plague season

 Who thought at the beginning of March, that we would still be in pretty much the same situation in November, nearly nine months later, as we were when we were first advised to go into Lock-Down to try to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus? I didn’t actually, because I thought my fellow country people were more sensible than they have now proved definitely not to be, having spread it north to south and east to west, leaving us with more dead victims than any other country in Europe.

 Well. It was all one big failure wasn’t it. And now hundreds of people every day are dying again.

The numbers announced on TV daily being taken with less affect than the weather report it seemed to me.

Talk about a river in Egypt people.

The whole country is in denial or so it shows in my head and before my eyes.

The only comfort I can take is that I did my best.

My husband did his best to protect me and I thank him for that.

I now fully expect us to be in an unsure position for a good many months yet.

 Right now, I am trying my darnedest to keep my head on straight as we continue to be endangered.

Steve and I have just finished listening to the Kingsbridge trilogy by Ken Follet, having finished the second in the trilogy last night at dinner making 85 hours on Audible. Tonight, we will start the last on the three, Column of Fire. Only 30 hours this last one!

We have allowed ourselves to really sink into the history, the story and the characters painted so skilfully.

Deny the world outside the window.

We have loved every moment and listening to them being read to us has allowed to get on with other things at the same time.

 I have indulged myself in needlework, dressmaking and yet have worn very few of the many garments that I have completed.

One day maybe, or else they will go to the charity shop when I pop off my perch.

The most un-necessary things have been little felt work and embroidery items.

Pin cushions and the like to give away to family and friends.

They have no value other than the hours spent stitching love into my very slightly dotty freestyle embroidery,

 just following the needle and a picture in my head.


The biggest surprise came about a month ago when I press ganged another friend into taking one of my works.

Steve who had been standing by as the friend left turned to me and said,

“You must have made a dozen of those little things and I am wondering where mine is!”

That took me aback a bit and I laughed at first but then saw that he wasn’t joking.

“I hadn’t thought that you would like such a useless dust harbourer” I said.

“Well, I would like one please”. He said seriously.

“Not a problem, I will think about something better for you my love, and start as soon as I have thought of something suitable.

I chew over all kinds of things during the night in sleepless moments, or hours.

The next day I sorted thought my considerable stock of materials and embroidery silks and cut out the shape that I had decided on.

It was to be something that might be half useful, rather than decorative; a wrist rest so he could work on the computer more comfortably.

 It has taken three times longer than any of the other little gems that will probably be thrown in a cupboard or a drawer.

Most of November in and only today I began putting it together. Just w few more threads of dark green silk and it will be finished.

A true work of devotion. With love in every stitch.







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