Sunday, November 8, 2020

It Happens!


Something we ate yesterday didn’t agree with either of us. It was Saturday and so we did have a late breakfast at about 11am and that is the norm for us after training on Saturday mornings. It isn’t anything too horrendous like a full English, but is way more than we eat on weekdays, when we miss breakfast out altogether. Most commonly Saturday breakfast is toasted bagels and whatever we fancy placed on top of the buttered bagel. Yesterday while I attended to the toasting and buttering Steve took in cheese and several pots of jam, as well as our current fave M&S Bucks Fizz Marmalade. There was also a couple of slices of sliced ham left over from another day, that Steve had removed the fat from and cut into smaller pieces. We had our third and final coffee at that time as well. At all meal times we listen to a book on audible that we are sharing, and we have only a few hours left of the current book, World Without End by Ken Follet. That is the second in the Kingsbridge Trilogy and is 42 hours long. So we are deep in the 14th century at any mealtime. Column of Fire will be the last of the series and we will start on that soon.

 After that we went for the walk that I spoke of on yesterdays diary page, that ate up a couple of hours and then we were home again with time to attend to a few jobs.


At this time of year, we look forward to Strictly on Saturday evening that we both enjoy watching, as do a number of our friends. We take it fairly seriously and I have all the numbers ready to vote at the end of the programme. My bedtime reading right now is a book by Clive James given to me by a friend, The Fire of Joy which as it says on the cover is roughly eighty poems to get by heart and say aloud. After the introduction the next page is headed; Rules on Reading Aloud and then come the poems selected by Clive James and followed by everything he thinks the reader should know about that work. It is perfect for me to be babied through a most helpful book, written by somebody that I respect enormously. I may not agree with everything he says but I will forgive anybody almost anything, if they make me laugh as entertaining and teaching me. I like to turn off the light with a smile on my face.


 However. After only a couple of hours sleep, I woke up realising that I had better make a very quick dash for the toilet. Something I had eaten had seriously upset my poor old stomach. I won’t go into details but it was all most unpleasant and carried on for the rest of the night, most of the morning and is still making ugly gurgling sounds even now. This put paid to my planned Sunday run and I sent a text to my run pal an hour before we were due to meet, to cancel and set up a run on another day. I mentally went through everything that I had eaten that day and much later on when Steve started to take his turn in the bathroom, we both decided that the ham was to blame and on thinking about it, decided that it was something we should have thrown out a couple of days sooner.


Having had a bad night and a not very good morning it was a great pleasure when a couple of friends; who were out for a bike ride, knocked our door to say hello on their way home. We had a lovely catch up chat as Steve and I stood at the front door and they stayed down by the wall at the side of the road. I have missed actually seeing my friends and hearing their voices so much I almost cannot stand it. What a horrible time this has been and well done to everybody who has managed to keep busy and as cheerful as possible through late winter, all of spring and summer and into autumn. Thank you, Elaine and Sylvia, so much for thinking to check up on us, it was a real treat to see you and have a laugh or two.



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