Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Above: Created by Leatherhead Fire and Iron Galley the huge chicken on Dorking round-about

That is a question that has been asked for many years and today it was brought into my, only slightly wonky mind, for two reasons. The first, was when approaching the convenient start point for a dozen different run routes, that we laughingly call triathlon training, we were slowed down by our kindness of heart, on the last, very narrow section of a one car wide country lane by a dozen dopey cage bred pheasants.

They were most likely newly released in readiness for the shooting season. One has to say that it is hard to feel any kindness to pheasants due to that facts of their early upbringing, that they are incapable of learning their kerb drill or any form of road awareness.

I only guess at the conversation within the group, but maybe it goes something like this:

“Let’s go this way”. “No, I’m going this way”. “I’m gonna stop a second”. “OOO I don’t know who to follow or where, so I will go this way, then that way”. “Hey what happens if you flap your flappy things. WEEEEEEE!

Later, after we had finished our lovely peaceful woods run this morning, we had to hurry home and get cleaned up ready for a work road trip in our small van. The drive took us past the roundabout at Dorking where a gleaming silver A3 metre high metal cockerel has pride of place. The ‘Dorking’ was so you can glean from the internet, was a chunky looking chicken introduced to our shores by the Romans. The town took its name from that.


Since the splendid cock has been in such a well known position on the A24 trunk road, it has been subjected to many overnight presentations involving a wide variety of head and neckwear to the amusement of most and the indignation of the few. In respect of the pandemic it is presently wearing a mask that bears the words BE KIND. 



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