Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Closing the door

Feel no regret when a door has to close

as sure as one page will follow the last,

walk by the river and see how it flows.

A licked finger shows where the wind blows,

hold the future in thought more than the past.


There are a few things that people say to me, when we have not met for a long time or people who I hardly know or who only know me by name just as a distant acquaintance and not in the fullness of my circle of friends. The main train of thought, tends to be either the straight question, “How on earth do you keep going at your age”, or just plain old rude, “You’re mad you are”. Actually, I don’t think that I am that mad. 

It boils down simply; I can keep going because I keep on going. There have not been many breaks in my routine since my start in triathlon thirty years ago. Sure, I have had a few short spells out of action after running or biking accidents when I have broken this bone or that and on the worst fall, three bones at the same time, but I have worked my way slowly back to fitness again each time, having kept my mind occupied whilst I could not get about, but taking a sensible path back to my sport.

Life style changes now and again, as it has over that last six or seven months and I have noticed on TV that some have just eaten their way through the pandemic or worse still drunk their way through it. My husband, who everybody knows, is also my coach and I, are in fact very happy with the way things have worked for us during this time. 

Our running is much improved both in comfort and increased mileage. We have made sure that we stayed supple by doing classes on TV and that has not been a chore; indeed, we have loved that new corner to our routine. When life makes changes to your course, you need to work out ow you are going to move forward. Keep motivated; more especially keep your eye on your goals, what you eat and how much.




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