Saturday, May 2, 2020

I had a dream: Time Trial

Time Trial

We’re going to do a 100 mile bike time trial.
The start was not that far away
Clapham Village Hall
a popular start point.
Steve left home early in the car………
He forgot to take me!
I really wanted to do it too;
I needed to qualify
for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in November.
The event is also
a qualifier
for European Championships in 2021
I will be eighty two by then.
So I set off
riding the extra 5 miles
to get to the start late.
When I get arrive
they have changed the start
to another point;
Dial Post
16 miles further on
I eventually get to the start there
a couple of hours late.
There are not many,
(Well none actually)
Lady Vet riders
Of my age.
They let me start anyway.
As I get pushed off by the start marshal
I realise what I am wearing
a very nice and warm
but totally impractical for the occasion,
mohair and wool mix winter coat
Auntie Paul gave me it before she died.
It is a full length camel coloured coat
with a high Peter Pan collar.
Whilst holding the flaps of the coat
to keep them from catching in the spokes
I notice that I have,
to make matters worse
put on a pair on socks
that my daughter’s cocker spaniel Jeffrey
had eaten a few days earlier.
They are in shreds
and offer me no protection
my shoes start to give me blisters.
My husband Steve,
who is normally
my pre-event preparation slave,
has not even filled my drinks bottle.
My usual bag of M &S fruit jellies
are not on my bike
and neither,
is my normal salt supply,
In the form of Marmite Crackers.
I carry on biking
but the wind gets in my eyes…..
I have forgotten
my sun glasses.
I look for a marshal
to give my cumbersome coat to
I don't want to just leave it on the road side
because it is a top quality coat
and it will last me forever
because I only wear it for best.
I am now hours over the cut off time
but still have to get back to the finish
which is,
another fifty miles away.
It is then that I start to become
distantly conscious
from my dream
but do not actually wake.
I know at this point
that the reason
my foot and arm ache
SO much is because
I have been training really hard
every single day at this time,
trying to stay focused.
But on the other hand
I have more movement
I am starting to think
that I things will
eventually get better.
This is confusing in my dream state
because I am struggling
through a hundred mile time trial
I think that I should stop really.
Yet here I am on a long bike ride
I hope that Steve will come and pick me up
but he doesn't.
I keep pushing on,
confused now as to
why I am fighting the odds
when I should be having an easy day.
I am coming out of my dream slowly
I know that I do want to stay in shape
but cannot remember what for
my legs ache so much on this ride.
The alarm goes off at 5.00 am.
In my bleary state I am not sure
that I have not been riding my bike
all night
in Auntie Paul's coat.
It feels like I have.

In the cold light of day
I do not need this dream analyzed
I know that am old,
fighting against the odds.
It is still a worthwhile battle
In case anybody out there thinks otherwise.

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