Sunday, October 18, 2020

Some normal, some a little OCD

          Anything we fancy goes at the weekend but careful healthy eating on weekdays

 Having put off our planned run yesterday to suit a friend and taken a most interesting walk instead, where we had stopped here and there to take photos and simply to take in our surroundings peacefully, and so we were ready for our Sunday run this morning with a planned meeting with the same friend. The last time we ran, Stephen had hurt his hamstring during a strange jerky mud slide in the woods. He had behaved well enough about the injury, although we sporty lot get quite angry, quite quickly when we are side lined for a while.

He had rested well enough though, taking nice longs soaks in a hot bath and also used the time to lay back in the lazi-boy and spend some considerable time watched the Giro D’Italia on Eurosport. The time was also used to indulge in hot water bottles and muscle relief gel.

 We had tried an easy turbo session after a couple of days rest and relaxation and that appeared not to irritate the muscle at all.

This morning Steve said it felt fine and that it had never been that bad but he was simply being sensible resting it up.

So we met up at the planned time and place and started out on a run route with a gentle downhill start and then a mainly flat route for the next few miles to a point where it was possible to cut back if necessary. He said he was feeling perfectly ok, but then he felt a stab in the same spot and immediately fell back to walk pace. It was only about 1.5 miles done at that point. Steve told me to carry on with Birgit because she didn’t know the way and he didn’t want her to get lost. 


                                            The Gibbet: well known to locals    

We only had one phone with us and so after a brief chat I agreed to go on with my friend and meet Steve a bit later at the Gibbet knowing that he would make slow progress, so until we were back to a point where she would know exactly where she was and could then decide whatever continuation route she fancied. Knowing that Steve would still be a good while getting to that point, I went on with her at a very slightly faster pace to make up for the fact that I would be cutting my run short as well I ran with her. So at least I would have had a useful, if shorter run workout before turning back to meet Steve. She chose to go on having asked me which way would be the fastest way since she had a zoom presentation to get back for in the afternoon. So no time to take chances.

When we got home there was a repeat of the actions in the first paragraph here today followed by a weekend breakfast one of both weekend days. Whereas we do not eat breakfast on weekdays. We bought a little cranberry and sunflower seed loaf in Arundel. Since March, we have got into a strange little habit of taking a short drive around Arundel after our run before going home. This must be a kind of Covid reaction, since we formally always took half an hour for tea/coffee, cake and a chat in one of the many cafés or tea rooms in this darling little, very touristy town. Though like many other prominent places, the fairy tale heavily historic castle, has not opened this year. The short drive around is a poor substitute for normal habits.


At home then I got Steve settled with legs up in front of the TV after breakfast and disappeared up to my sewing station and made two more masks for each of us and did some cutting out for further sewing sessions. I am willing to admit that all the sewing is a little OCD at the very least…. Some might say totally manic. I have no excuse for this crazy behaviour at all. I have a sort of rotor of it. Some perfectly normal dressmaking is a big part but I need to allocate myself a reasonable amount of time to sit and think and work with proper dedication to and age old major hobby. 


The other things though, I can throw in half an hour here and there without needing to rustle up and serious presence of mind. The masks are so easy its unbelievable. The hair Scrunchy’s are just as easy, but take a bit longer because some hand work and a little embroidery is needed to finish them nicely. The felt work embroidery items take ages, and I need the best light to do any work at all on them. The latest of these small things is a computer wrist support pad for Steve who complained that I had made umpteen pin cushions for friends and family and where was his! Its almost finished now but has taken about a month. They all work as therapy during this time that I admit is driving round the bend, not being able to meet my friends and chatter in the changing room. Not going out to dinner no theatre or cinema. STOP me, Stop, Stop, Stop.




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