Friday, April 24, 2020

Keep on keeping on folks!

Keep on keeping on folks!

I know, I know. Its not easy keeping some balance in your life when the world has stopped spinning exactly as it used to. It’s strange that we are having to stay indoors, apart from going for a bit of exercise or essential shopping. Where did normal go to? It mast be hard for families with young children.

We are blessed in that our son-in-law has volunteered to get us a bit of shopping now and again and that is a blessing indeed. The online shopping has become almost impossible and I have not been able to get a booking slot in over two weeks. Still we are not desperate for anything really and hope that it will not last forever.

We are getting plenty of exercise indoors and there are plenty of classes to choose from on YouTube. What I think you have to beware of is eating you way through this crisis; that is something you will regret. 

Putting on a pile of weight WILL make you miserable and perhaps even harm you health. It is essential to watch what you eat, making sure you do get your five a day. A little discipline at least five days a week and you can have the odd naughty thing at the weekend. Forever is a long time, so you can safely give yourself a break but if you stuff yourself silly you are asking for trouble and will get it, the scales will not be to blame you have to take responsibility for yourself. Eat sensibly and keep busy is the best advice or take the consequences without blaming other people.  

We are only leaving the house for a run every other day and that is partially why we have been losing track of what day it is because one week we get four runs and the next three runs.
We have turbo trainers set up in our box room permanently and we use those every other day too.  

This morning was another turbo day but we did a 60 minutes dance and stretch class first.
Yesterday having done an eight mile run in the woods and downs we came back and did some nice peaceful de-stressing stuff on TV, 30 minutes Tai Chi, 15 minutes Yo-Qi and swimming the dragon. Calming, relaxing and healing too. 

After that Steve did some sit-ups and a 20 minute row and I did two short-ish hula classes that are happy as well as lovely and so good for loosening up stiff hips. It was a big morning. Steve has actually lost a bit of weight which is probably thanks to the coffee houses being closed. He has lost twice as much as me but we are both feeling much better and the running is getting easier without the roll around the middle the carry. 

This weekend Steve and I are going to make our Sunday cycle longer when we meet the My 2.6 Challenge-Save the Charities you can find my page on if your try hard enough. Scroll down to the My 2.6 Challenge and search my name Daphne Belt I will be pedalling on my turbo trainer for 260 minutes. An easy way to find it is to find my Facebook page and scroll down there where there is a good link. My name comes up a number of times but the others are old fundraising efforts of mine. This time I will be making my bum feel uncomfortable for AGEUK Brighton and Hove. Any amount would be great if you can.

The charities have suffered a slump because of all the big events being cancelled where so many people only do thing like running the London Marathon for charity but the money does not appear if the run doesn’t happen. So far this year at least six of the event I was going to take part in have been cancelled. Ironman 70.3 Graz and another in Poreč, in Croatia, At home my fave UK race Windsor triathlon has been put on hold and the Swimathon 5000mtr event. I have my fingers crossed for the rest of the summer.
What is left of my race programme: July if we are lucky…. Or August?

 July 5th Klagenfurt Ironman Austria
3800 lake swim-180km bike-marathon run

July 12th National Aquathlon Championships, Worthing.
Sea swim/promenade run (current 2019 title holder in AG)

26th July Dawn on the Downs 26th off road downland run

August 1st The Pier 2 Pier. Open water sea swim.
Isle of Wight, Sandown to Shanklin 1.8 miles

August 30th Zell am Zee Ironman 70.3 (distance as Graz race)

September 6th Koper, Slovenia Ironman 70.3 (as Graz race)

September 13th Brighton and Hove Triathlon
1500mtr sea swim/ 40km bike/10km run
Qualifier for 2021 World Championships in Bermuda

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