Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sports Massage

Today's main appointment had been put off far too long and I was sorely in need of treatment. No, not as one might imagine with somebody to look into my state of mind. Instead of this, the service I needed was some maintenance work on my poor old hard worked body.

There are, in every town and even village, lots of salons offering beauty treatment and massage, all of which is very nice and relaxing and makes your skin feel wonderful afterwards, so I am certainly not knocking that sort of massage at all. Massage is good, make no mistake about that, massage is not just for luxury treat. Massage is also a great healer.

However if you are a sports person or somebody using their muscles for any kind of work that ends up causing aches and pain then you have to allow within your budget, for a massage session now and again to iron out all those overworked muscles and release uninvited tightness and tension. 

It has mistakenly been a while since I last went for a heavy dose of sports massage therapy. Last summer I allowed myself to get to the point where I found it difficult the stand up straight immediately after swimming but was otherwise quite fit and well. It took several appointments with some deep massage involved to solve that problem and then there was a sudden cure that I could not quite believe, so miraculous was the difference.

I went back for some regular maintenance sessions but then left it for a while, and during that ‘While’ I found myself only barely conscious of protecting the area that was previously injured. Of course what then slowly happened was that I started to noticed the start of a similar thing on the opposite side and that was what brought me back to today, it was the reminder that if you indulge in regular exercise, either as a sports person or in your work that you also need regular massage to feel for danger spots that tighten up and can cause the body to throw an injury in your direction if you neglect this area or your active world.

As nation we spend a stupid amount of money on coffee, clothes and alcohol. When we should knit in something to help our general well being. 

Sports Massage utilises soft tissue manipulation in order to improve performance. Use it as a regular treatment to maintain both healthy and flexible muscles or for recovery after a heavy training schedule. It can help speed up recovery from training and also lowers the risk of injury, both acute and chronic. 
Sports massage utilises powerful techniques such as muscle energy work, soft tissue release and neuromuscular techniques to break down adhesions, relieve tension and promotes blood flow to remove waste products.

In my own area there are two excellent sports massage therapists and I can highly recommend both of them and indeed they would both recommend each other since sports therapists also work their muscles exceedingly hard and need to have a treatment themselves every now and again.

Jacqueline Rackham
Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist
Is to be found in Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2DA
Mobile: 07852 722 112

Vicky, was my sports therapist today who can be found in Arundel.
Mobile:07733 155 078

Both of the women are brilliant and can quickly find whatever little gremlin is hiding under your skin; Essential to fluid movement and to find the nasty little knots in our bodies.


1 comment:

KaseyEThorton said...

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