Friday, December 16, 2016

Swim, Swim, Swim.

Today is the next to last swim for us and tomorrow’s club session will be the last until January 7th. We will move on to another phase next week. The pool opening times also change during the school holidays and that adds to the pile of winter problems.  It is hard to hold it together when people are making other arrangements for a while. Early morning sessions for our group recommence on Wednesday 4th January. Although Steve and I will get plenty of swimming in over Christmas to New Year elsewhere.

Life in the fast lane.
There is not a lot of point in putting the swim rest times in because that needs to be set for the swimmers in question. This was set for a group of guys training for Ironman or shorter in 2017 on tight-ish swim rests.

Warm up
4 x 200
4 x 100
6 x 75
4 x 100
4 x 200

In our lane there is usually just my friend Bekka who has not long ago decided to pick up her swimming a bit more seriously. She is getting the hang of the swim rest idea but is still resistant to being pushed too much but has been  working on the schedules that Steve has set out that is suitable for me as well. She is a little faster than me on a good day and so goes in front.

Warm up then:

6 x 50
6 x 50

After that Bekka got out and I stayed for:
200 back stroke swim down.

Our post swim session run did not happen today. Sometimes you just have to accept that you cannot do everything on the list and not get grumpy about it. Steve and I had a million and one things to do before everything dies something of a death with our antiques business over the Christmas and New Year period.

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