Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Harbour Lights Poetry: group news

                                                  Isle of Wight, Pier to Pier swim.                            

Our alarm rang at 5.20am, sadly waking me from the best sleep I had had in quite a while. I opened one eye and muttered that it couldn’t be morning because it was still dark. Maybe I was bird in another life and only feel fit to wake when dawn makes at least a little effort to crack just before the dreaded bedside klaxon. The only thing that saves the clock from an unhappy end is that my husband keeps the noisy critter on his bedside cabinet distant from any violence from my direction.

We got ourselves down to the sea front to meet our friends in the swimming pool car park for the planned 6.30am sea swim, but, I started the ball rolling in the wrong direction by saying that it was too cold and dreary for me, and that I was going in the pool for my swim. It was very overcast, and the tide was not fully in so there might be a bit of wading before you could swim. My excuse was that I was too long in the tooth to get very cold, mentioning that it was after getting very cold at this time last year that I ended up with Pneumonia. I don’t want to be pampered but I don’t want to be just plain old stupid either.

Once the wall of will started to crumble the rest of the group didn’t take long to do the same as me and slope into the pool instead. A bit of sunshine might have made all the difference. Once in our swim lanes we did all get a good work out and were comforted by that. Steve ( Coach/Husband) had to get off to work to meet a delivery, but told me to be ready to go out on our bikes a little later in the morning, which we did, so in the end a useful swim and a bike ride made us feel better about our training.

For me this is a slightly scary time of year as gradually the sun moves away and the days become shorter. I do not enjoy the lack of light in the winter months and I get accused of being a S.A. D. subject. I have to agree with that I suppose but there are other things that almost make up for the lengthening on the nights. The night sky is a wonder that regularly gives me a touch on neck ache and I have learned to stop and stare rather than bowl on and trip over any hazard available.

I do miss Orion during the summer time but he, like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s  sci-fi character,  will be back,  spear poised raging across the sky, the most noticeable, best known of all the constellations.  Then we can look for Sirius the Dog Star yapping at his master’s feet as they take their long winter journey.

Sweet Sirius

You stop my heart, it skips a beat
You are a star of stars elite
Brilliant, flashing, huge blue star
Clearest, brightest heavenly Tsar
Dominating others less in sight
Admiration doth your flame requite

Peaceful Pursuits

High on the list of things to be done
When not at work, waiting for lunch at one,
Not busy getting meals and slaving all day,
There never is the time to go out and play.
Dream of this then, to calm your self down
Slow your breathing; get rid of the frown.
Walking barefoot on the sand at low tide
Wearing loose clothes, the body sins hide.
Glide into the sparkle at the waters edge
Hoik up you your pants and give this pledge;
I will take time at least once in a while,
To stand alone on the beach and smile.

The next meeting of the Harbour Lights scribblers group is this coming Sunday
August 26th at 2pm.
If anybody is reading about this for the first time, please let your curiosity lead you to us. We can be found in the upstairs meeting room above the Harbour Lights Café at the Look and Sea Centre alongside the lovely River Arun in Littlehampton. There is a small pay car park behind the lifeboat station or the town car park is only five minutes walk away.

The  café kindly set iced water and glasses in the room for us or you can buy a pot of tea or what ever  other drink you might prefer and bring it up on a tray yourself, there is plenty of room.  

All are welcome to come in and join us just to listen and comment if you wish or to bring anything you have written that you might like to read to the group or indeed if you have a poem that you have heard on ‘Poetry Please’ or maybe read in a book from the library, please bring it along.
We are a warm friendly group and will be pleased to meet any newcomers.

Ring me with any questions: 
Mobile: 07990 803274

Daphne Belt