Saturday, August 1, 2020

Tangled Web

When we arrived for our morning exercise, we were momentarily disappointed to see that the two women we had encountered the other day, who had been unable to control their more than happy to be un-disciplined, pair of dogs just getting out of their car. Thankfully they remembered us too, since they muttered together and then went off for their walk in a different direction.

We chalked up another excellent 8 mile run that had within it, so the Garmin showed; a Best 1 kilometre and a Best 1 mile and we knew   exactly where the two overlapping run records occurred which was toward the end of the run and that too is good.

After we have finished our morning runs, we walk it out a little way and that was when we passed this amazing spider web and were able to get really close to it so that we were able to see the spider, who was quite a sturdy guy, wriggle back into his astonishing silky man cave at the back of the centre of this most impressive web. It looked like a see-through D-cup brassiere with two roomy compartments, as well as a cunning hidey hole in the centre back. A master builder of an Arachnid.

 We didn’t have time for any other sports activity today because Steve had small shipping load that had to be collected today from an antiques dealer in Kent eighty miles away. Steve asked me if I wanted to come with him, just for a change of scenery, in case I had cabin fever!

We have been listening to Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett on Audible whilst we have dinner each evening but it is such a long book that we have barely scratched the surface and I had said to Steve that we needed one of our old long pre-lock down journeys to get through it. It is almost 41 hours in duration. Well, we knocked nearly five hours of it out today and I have to say that it is riveting stuff and certainly shortened the time spent in the heavy traffic on the motorways.

By the time we got home and climbed out of the van, I was momentarily a bit stiff and as I grunted that information to my husband, he remarked that he was impressed that an Olympic standard fidget like me had sat still for so long it must also be a new record.


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