Friday, March 13, 2020

The Pale Rider

The Pale Rider

The statements made by some of the chief politicians this week seems to have done absolutely nothing to stem the panic buying that has been on a slow build up over the last couple of weeks. It fact it seems to me to have had the complete opposite effect. We are a dim lot in the UK aren’t we? We listen to the talk on the TV and call in chat shows on the radio and frankly I think most of them are lying through their teeth about the figures that they are giving out about the extent of the playing field of this nasty virus even so far.
                                                              Spring still proceeds
Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson on TV yesterday was, to my mind, I hasten to say, quite a long way off the truth, and well actually I think he was light years off. We only hear about how many people have been tested positive for the Corona Virus don’t we? I have a reasonable circle of friends but I have not heard of any of then even having a test. Have you?
Is it that only people in hospital are being tested because surely it sounds like most people have not had a test for this biblical proportioned pestilence. Its looking like we have time slipped back to the dark ages of the Plague.  

                                                             Casting a long shadow

 I heard on the radio that in the USA it has been costing $3000 dollars to have the test. That also means that ordinary working folk cannot afford that if they do not have medical insurance So that means that for all we know, hundreds of thousands could already have it. That is possibly being kept quiet, because most of them may be young and have only the lightest of symptoms. They will then carry on as usual and go to work just a bit sniffy and yet they could be spreading the virus like the forest fires we have seen on TV in Australia and before that in the USA a while back.

We heard London Mayor Sadiq Kahn on the radio yesterday and even if you do not agree with everything he says, he certainly can talk and actually sounds quite sensible most of the time which is better than listening the bare faced lies pouring out of the mouths of some people at the rate of the water falling over Niagara falls. Not naming names there but look to the sunset for a rough direction. In fact I would go as far as to say if the mayor of London does not last past the next election he has a career on radio and TV waiting for him or who knows maybe even leader of the labour party. 

So finally yes it does all look like the next months or maybe the entire summer will be a test for us all, more for us old folks of course. I have already chosen to distance myself as much as I can. I am staying indoors and only going out in our vehicle, a van, that my husband has manically cleaned the inside of and will be only used by the two of us. We will only go to the countryside for our run training; everything else will be done at home. We have found other forms of exercise on You Tube to fill the gap in our training there are dozens to choose from.
                                                                  Spring still proceeds

Our training this morning looked like this:

15 minutes gentle stretching
30 minutes Pilates (on You Tube)
1 hour 30 minutes Spin-a-vals fast cadence turbo training in our box room
20 minutes Qigong, also on You Tube… very calm, peaceful and relaxing.
There are hundreds of sessions of all kinds so one can still keep moving.

I wrote this poem below a couple of days after what I confess was a bad nights sleep. I should explain that I that in my childhood I was taught to control my behaviour, with a good deal of bible thumping. My parents sent me to a little chapel service at 9am with my cousin John. We went home for a quick breakfast before moving on the St Georges Church in Worthing for the main Sunday service and after mum’s yummy Sunday lunch, to the sound of Family Favourites on the radio. I was then sent to Sunday school at 3pm in the church hall attached to St Georges Church. Sometimes in summer if I was very lucky may dad who had in his younger days played in the Salvation Army band, to listen to local band on the sea front or in the band stand. It was not until donkey’s years later that I realised my parents just wanted me out of the way for their day off work.

However there is a lot of stuff about the Pale Horse and all manner of other Hell Fire and Damnation, Plague, Pestilence and multitude of death to be found with a simple search on Google. Add to that that my man and I, have had this painting hanging on our sitting room wall for many years. It is a part copy of a painting in the National Gallery; I can’t read the scribble in the corner of it so cannot name the artist. Plus I think that this particular Pale Rider is simple going the horse market! Ok my poem may be some seriously over the top artistic interpretation. Or not!

The Pale Rider

Some things will jar, like an arthritic knee
A dark thought squirming its way to the light
Mother of Earth please, do not set it free.

Trust to believe the sight before our eyes
Evil poisonous snake all set to smite
We are past the day now for what’s and why’s.

Deliberate use of a venomous strain
Fail to control the iron goad of might
Biblical scale plague and pestilence gain.

Is that the Pale Rider? Is his name Death?
Riding slowly this way with us in sight
Rein back as we prepare for life’s last breath?

   Our very old and dear friend John Lunt with another Pale Horse entirely at his next race venue

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