Friday, March 20, 2020

The enemy is fear

This was at Hampton Court Palace gardens a week or so ago as my last outing before lock down.
My Steve and I have settled ourselves into the suggested self-isolation since our age and my asthma put us in the 'At Risk' group. Given that, we are still continuing as far as possible to keep ourselves race fit, since we want to be able to still take part in our sport of triathlon when this dark cloud has floated away in a few months. Races have been postponed big time so we can still aim at those later in the year. I do hope so. I am not getting any younger, so if this virus continues roughly the time span they say, all well and good but if the government are deceiving us, (that has been known in the past), and it goes on past summer and into autumn; dig in for the duration. We need to be strong.

My husband has been a little gem since we shut ourselves away from the world for the foreseeable future; look how tidy he made the cupboard under the stairs. He has mad a start on the garage now.

The one thing we cannot do is keep up our swimming right now. Neither of us willing to take a risk like that and think it foolish or thoughtless of those who are still getting into pool water. Maybe there is nothing wrong with the water that has all the usual chemicals in it but the people who are still going out to social events like meetings of the swim club are putting others at risk I feel, not only my opinion that one. The swim crowd meet in the cafe/reception area for up to half an hour both before and after the swim set where they have all walked around barefoot and been to visit to toilet and handled the lockers and the changing cubicles.  Well those are my thoughts anyway. Do they all think the same way as the youngsters all super humans and immune to this worldwide killer virus.

Well. We are staying indoors apart from getting up very early in the morning three times a week to get in our multi times cleaned car and driving to a quiet spot where there are very few people to keep that part of out training going and being very careful indeed to keep well away from any contact with others.

Testing myself a bit without checking but I think this move is Golden Rooster stand on one leg!
Actually this is Dr Daniel Hoover whose classes we are so enjoying found on You Tube.

When we get home we go on the do further exercise with the help of You Tube where Steve try's to find something suitable for us to join in with. This mornings programme went like this.
Run just 4 km flat.
30 minutes Tai Chi
30 minutes X stretch
30 minutes Pilates

Not so sure about this one..... Maybe stroke the birds tail. The foot in this shot is Veronika Hoover.

I used to go to Tai Chi, Pilates and stretch classes about twenty years ago but stopped when the gym I used to attend dropped the Tai Chi class, the dance exercise class, and the stretch class all at about the same time with a change of ownership. My husband has never done any of those things. But working as we are to still stay focused on our fitness we are still looking as as much variety as possible to keep supple, strong and relaxed. Steve took to the Tai Chi straight away, we are both pretty rubbish at all the classes as yet and see that we have a way to go to be looking anything like the instructors on the TV. We are not people who give up on anything we start without a very good reason so we will soldier on. Anyway it makes us laugh sometimes when we both get totally lost as the show progresses.

Old wives tales being included in our lives. Classic Honey, Lemon and hot water drink. Soothing!

In addition to all this we are making sure that we use this time to catch up on things at home that we did not have time for with our former busy lives and yes we do miss our friends and family visits and outings but intend to keep sight of the one simple aim which is to get through all this and emerge proud of our efforts. Contact with friends as with the poetry group who meet monthly in our home is also taking time and I have wasted hours trying to work out how to use Face Time, What's App etc.
Again I will keep working at that.

I tripped over this little poem (below), that I wrote maybe five years ago but it seems to sit into today's window very well which made my hair stand on end for a moment when I read through it. This is a scary time for a lot of us if not the worlds youth, who seem to think themselves invincible. If like me at eighty and my husband who is in his seventieth year, it is not something we can ignore.

The Enemy is Fear

Fear creeps in uninvited         
Be ready, on the watch
There is a weakness in us
A deadly danger there.        

We are so short sighted
A danger to ourselves
Not seeing our failings
Unwilling to prepare.

We have been blighted
Victorian style submission
No control of our thoughts
Still we are not aware.

Our minds have been ignited
Somewhere along the way
Then did we ever know
Hand on heart and swear.

In this moment spotlighted
For all future now resolve
Stand before your mirror
At your true image there.

For your own care be cited
Take control of your fate
Face this dangerous fear
Don’t just rely on prayer.

Below are more shots from our walk around the beautiful gardens surrounding Hampton Court Palace.

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