Sunday, March 5, 2017

Frosty Aquathlon Sunday 5th March

We were awake at 5 am ready for the Frosty Aquathlon In fact I had woken with a start just before that because I remembered that I had not put my BTF card in my bag, which would be costly.

After a lovely day here in the south yesterday it started to rain very early this morning and that is just Murphys Law but since we were only racing in our local event less than two miles away in the pool where we train four days per week and run the run route of this event regularly, you could say that we were only there for the craic.
We had both only entered the Frostbite (the short race) 400 swim and 5km run.
At the end of the lane I was in there were two very young women who asked me what time I would do? I said “I am old enough to be your Grandmother so don’t worry about me I will let you go first”.

The swim went well until one of those two got a nosebleed and stopped. After my swim, I got out, threw on a coat and my number over my wet tri-suit and dashed out on to the run course. I was raining daggers and blowing the hooley from hell right off the sea. The rain was actually quite painful but you know, it’s the same for everybody but there were a couple of people who were taken out of the event through the cold wet conditions. It got a lot brighter for the longer event the Frosty. Coffee after in Costas.

My new lady who I have just been mentoring was doing her first swim-run and did well I have no idea about any of our times but will post more tomorrow. Our other club mate did well in the longer event. Being the only woman with totally bare legs…, no tri suit, just her cozzie but she did put a coat on. Somebody asken me where my usual mascot was and here below is the answer... Still in bed.

Right now Steve and I are off to work. We have to drive the truck to Bath to pick up goods for a client. We cannot get in until the Decorative Fair ends at 5pm so it will have been a long day by the time we get home. 

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