Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bike Ride with a Novice Triathlete

A few days ago after hearing the latest worries and questions about her approaching first triathlon, Christine wanted her bike position looked at; saddle height etc. I emailed to say that we were happy to take her on a bike ride whenever suited her and asked if she could get her bike in her car OK to get over to us. 

Having chosen today, when I said it would be good to do a ride on nice quiet roads so we could try to improve her gear changing and look at any other problems and asked how early she could get to us, I got this reply.
I can come any time. I will try out my bike carrier, failing that I will cycle. It's only 6 miles so I don't think it will be a problem. Looking forward to it. 

I bounced back with:
It would be a VERY good idea to try your bike carrier out in any case before your event. Be here about 8.30 am if poss. We will be doing a bike ride from here, so you don't need an extra six miles to here and back. Question time during and afterwards. I mention this because she had asked how she could leave her bike securely at her first triathlon whilst she did the swim. Ahhwww Bless.

This is a real novice and we are going to go through everything with her. She was very pleased to learn that there would be a transition area that would be secure and only athletes would be allowed in after they had registered and only allowed out with a bike that had the same number as the one on her race number, wrist and timing chip.

When she arrived at our home, Steve looked her bike over and fiddled with this bit and that, and pumped the tyres up. I don’t think she has changed gear since she brought the bike home from the shop late last year. Steve didn’t think she had cleaned it either. Well, I cannot comment on that count because Steve completely looks after my bike normally and I have the guys at The Bike Store in Worthing who do a service before a big race for me, or I politely ask any of my several bike friends who all know that I am completely clueless about bike mechanical stuff.

So we set off on the bike ride and after I little bit of chatter on the way down to the sea front, Steve thought we had best turn into the swimming pool car park since it was plain that a little transition practice was needed. We went to the back end of the parking area and had Christine park her bike by the fence, leaving her jacket, (Since she has not got around the idea of going straight out in her tri-suit yet; bit of a mental block on that one). So trainers, helmet, coat, all left on the ground. Steve sent her back to the other side of the car park and shouted her through her run out of the pool to her bike, shoes on, jacket on, helmet on and done up before moving the bike. Run with the bike to the Bike mount line (Me) and one lap of the car park. Several more times.

Then we started out on the ride. We did lots of sharp turns, lots of advice, lots of practice. On the way back we did a few repeats of me pushing on just a bit ahead and she and Steve doing a bit of a sprint to catch me again.

It all went well and I have to say that although she is inexperienced about triathlon that she is a very strong lady and was not having any problem keeping up, she is sensible woman, another police officer in fact. She has been going out on her bike but if you are totally unaware of what happens at an event, you sure as hell cannot practice it. We both thought she did very well and she looked and sounded like she enjoyed every moment of the ride.

In the chat afterwards over coffee at home, she said that she had already done one ride of fifty kilometres and hoped one day to try a standard distance triathlon, something we pointed out that she could already do that distance if she wanted to. She is already an experienced runner; let us remind ourselves that she came to us on the recommendation of a friend when she wanted to up her running mileage to get her through her first marathon last summer. 

So, she is already a handy runner. Her swimming is fine and she got through the Frostbite Aquathlon ten days ago well, apart from taking an age to get dressed in a jumper, coat etc. after the swim, before going out on the run and was then annoyed because she got a swim plus transition time on the results that did not reflect her good swim.

The mind set difference between the two ladies that we are helping right now is vast. It is a Grand Canyon of a gap. Christine is not at all confident, even though she is doing so well, so early, then there is the Gal in New Zealand ex navy, ex police, who wants to jump at Iron distance with all guns blazing.

I loved that scene in the first ‘Men in Black’ film years ago, where they clicked the ear of the guy and he had a tiny little alien sitting at the controls inside his head like Captain Kirk on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Gonna get a little one of those for both ladies…. That should do it since there is nothing else standing in the way of either of them but their heads.


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