Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Eddie Redmayne: Fantasia for Swim Training


After pushing through the second door of the pool where the early bird centre users are waiting to pay of have their cards marked to go in. It struck me that the little crown standing chatting was quite like a bunch of folk standing in a pub. Actually that thought is not far from the mark because I think for some of the mob who turn up at a regular time for a swim or gym session it is, something of a social occasion.

Everybody knows everybody else’s name and the chatter can just about be heard through the dividing wall of the women and men’s changing rooms. Another noticeable thing is that although there is a fair spread of ages among the men and women, there are no teens or twenties present. I think Sandra of the magnificent natural titian hair, is just about thirty, and the oldest member of the centre must be Hugh who is equal to Sandra, in that he has an amazing head of hair in his case longish curly hair that many men would envy, and that is quite a boast since he is well into his eighties and still wearing short even in our weather. Where he differs a little is that I suspect that he only turns up to chat up any lady who will allow him to halt her exercise to talk for a few moments. Having said that, he does drift up and down the pool, slowly, making movements similar to one of those pesky pieces of plastic drifting in the sea choking marine life. He carries not an ounce of fat, is still quite handsome and has honed the charming smile to perfection.
Before starting our swim set today, I did look my friend Bekka straight in the eyes when I told her that Steve had got me out of bed twenty minutes early to type out a schedule for her last Monday when she had not come! She ignored me and looked up at the clock and asked when we were going. I said Two- One- Now. 
4 x 200
6 x 100
2 x fly kick up FC back 

There were times to go on but she has not quite come to terms with that, so I said best to just go on the next 15… 30….45….top, after we stop. At the end of the session, which is short, because she has a train to catch, she turned and said “Thank you Daphne for getting up 20 mins early for me on Monday, much appreciated”. 

Before leaving the house this morning Steve and I had sat to drink our first cuppa and watch the news, there was Eddie Redmayne on the red carpet at the premier of Fantastic Beasts. That I will have to see on my own probably, since I think every adult should know all the Harry Potter stuff otherwise how will you start a conversation with a strange child? I remarked to Steve that young Eddie looked like a school prefect and that I would like to take him home and give him his tea, maybe after taking him to the park to push him on a swing. Other ladies may have different idea’s e.g. My daughter Jacqueline, who is twenty three years younger than me, might like to show him around her potting shed to see how her polyanthus are coming along. I know she likes him, because she came with us to see him as The Danish Girl, although she didn’t like the end of the film and was strongly opposed to poor Eddie dying, she thought it would be better if he had gone to live with the other chap he was friendly with earlier in the film. That of course would involve ignoring the Danish Girls transgender wishes. You can’t please everybody you see!
Polyanthus Dark Rosaleen 

The reason I mention this is because I was thinking about him (Eddie) whilst I swam this morning. I know Jakki loved him in The Theory of Everything, whereas I thought he made a delightful Marius in Les Mis. Marius probably has to be quite slight traditionally because the Jean Valjean character has to be able to carry him. All this was rolling around my poor waterlogged brain during a swim session.

My swim finished with 200 back-stroke. I am quite adamant that more triathletes should include it in their training, to improve long axis rotation, because if you do not rotate, then you cannot get your entry in the correct position. To make the swimmer at least think about the angle of their hand, in this case a length or two thinking… Out thumb first, then, enter little finger first. Also you can check on your six beat kick very easily. Your body position, will be more flat if you get to know the roof of the pool; our pool has lovely straight slat’s to keep straight with. Don’t ‘hold you body’ let the water hold you as if you are flat on a bed. 

 Here endeth today’s lesson; or even hear today’s lesson.  

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