Friday, November 4, 2016

An Unexpected Full Day Off

It will still have been a full day by the time we get back home tonight. We have carried out our usual Friday ritual of swim and 6.30 am then after a brief stop at Costa Coffee in Rustington. We had to pick up our small van from the garage that had carried out the MOT. Then we buzzed up to Arundel together to squeeze in a 5km run around the grounds and park and back down the High Street to end the mornings exercise, before a quick clean up and change of clothes. 

Steve complained that he was a degree under this morning and used that as an excuse for a second coffee house visit, this time it was Osteria, whilst we were still in Arundel. We have a few little computer jobs to do and settle in the guy who is decorating out bathroom so that we can leave the house once more. 

This time it is off the Chichester for a bit of shopping. We both hate shopping. I hate shopping even more that Steve, who doesn’t mind food shopping. I just hate shopping. We plan as usual to go away at Christmas for a break when our business is totally dead, and although that is indeed something special to look forward to it means that all other jobs that have to be done before Christmas (I absolutely refuse to take up the American use of the term; The Holidays) it IS Christmas and will remain so for two people who were brought up in Christian households. 

So we are doing a bit of early Christmas shopping in our nearby favourite town. Then we are going to be really greedy, making full use of an unexpected day off and catch a movie in the early afternoon, ‘The Light between Islands’, is our choice for today, well actually it is my choice for the day, since Steve rarely has the chance to choose the movie because he has made so many bad choices in the past. We will have something to eat after that and then go to The Chichester Festival Theatre for Friday Night Is Music Night, a BBC Radio programme. This is a programme that we listen to at home usually but once a year it is held in the CFT and is an opportunity to see as well as hear this old favourite evening broadcast. We booked out tickets ages ago, you have to if you want good seats at Chi.

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