Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Enemy is Fear

The Enemy is Fear 

Fear creeps in uninvited
Be ready, be on the watch
There is a weakness in us
A danger deadly there 

We are so short sighted
A danger to ourselves
Not seeing our failing
Unwilling to prepare 

We have been blighted
Victorian style submission
No control of our body
Still we are not aware 

Our minds we have slighted
Somewhere along the way
Then did we ever know
Hand on heart and swear 

In this moment spotlighted
For all future now resolve
Stand before your mirror
At your own breasts stare 

For your own care be cited
Take control of your fate
Face this dangerous fear
Don’t just rely on prayer 

To the future be farsighted
Fear of being the one in eight
Can make you exactly that
At the bathroom glass declare 

Each month a diary highlighted
Make your own investigation
Thoroughly your breasts explore
Encourage every friend to share



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