Saturday, April 30, 2016

That Naughty Little Weasel

The total operating budget of the LHC runs to about $1 billion per year. The Large Hadron Collider was first turned on in August of 2008, and then stopped for repairs in September until November 2009. Taking all of those costs into consideration, the total cost of finding the Higgs boson ran about $13.25 billion.5 Jul 2012 

I copied the above, off t’internet this morning after hearing on the morning news that the famed Hadron Collider is temporarily out of service due to a Weasel burrowing into it. It does not give me any sorrow whatever, that it is also reported that said weasel has passed on to greener pastures and sitteth on the right hand of his maker.  

It does however show that the young and diminutive David may well have brought the mighty Goliath down with a single shot from his sling. We should all bear in mind that we must never lose heart in our efforts to achieve anything that everybody we know tells us we cannot do, whilst laughing in our faces. 

Hopefully that little weasel was spurred on by his mother to do his damaging work that morning; she had complained for the thousandth time that the bloody thing was interfering with the tele and her mobile phone and that she was having difficulties chatting on line with the rest of her family!

Stand tall and face your demons, wait and catch them when they least expect an attack. 

Cern…… you are looking silly this morning babe! Another billion or so down the tubes.

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