Tuesday, February 2, 2021



We had not made it out for even a half decent run for several days and so since we are trying to keep to an, every other day run plan. We set forth this morning even though in the predawn half light we could see that it might not be the most pleasant run we had ever taken. It was one of those we discovered when it looked like thick mist but in was fact the finest rain. We were both dressed for the day and so set off to cover our standard closest10km run course but taking the route backwards. 


The reasoning on this was that we would be starting up hill and that would make it a good work out even if we walked some of it which we had to because this path was as wet as we had even seen it and much of the time there was no option but to go through the swampy bits that had fattened out to cover the path from side to side so there was no chance of stepping around the worst bits. The highest section was not so bad and there was some grip but once over the high point one section which is a hillside ridge was unbelievably squelchy and difficult to even stay upright without grabbing at branch safety handles that nature had provided were gratefully used to avoid slipping. 


 Then for the last two miles we were back on wet but solid ground. There were several blessings of the outing; the first was spotting the rarely seen white deer peeping out from the undergrowth and watching us carefully as we quietly approached hoping to get a photo or two. These would not be anything to be proud of but good enough to remind us that we had yet again seen this lovely animal and that always makes us happy since it is much more of a rare sighting than the plentiful brown one’s big and small but common spottings. She soon darted off into the woods and away but had made our day worthwhile. The other thing that we liked was that dull morning lacking a watchable sunrise was that we saw not a soul until very close to the end where there was a dog walker or two. The last thing to make us all joyful is that the Daffodils are bursting into flower everywhere and I am sure we all look forward to this golden army and spring.





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