Friday, January 24, 2020

The Sea, the Gull and the Eye

The Sea, the Gull and the Eye
I had my fingers crossed for a fine day
That the TV lady had promised with a smile
In the wettest summer since God only can say
I set off in the sea to swim for a while
Miraculously brightness popped out of the gloom
Right after a thunderstorm that spread boom and doom
The sea was at more calm at last, not as cold as of late
The sun came out and the sea fret rolled back  
Blustery winds and rain the shore will attack
But now and again nature’s force will abate

I got into a nice rhythm fairly quickly then
And settled in for a longer than usual swim
The morning looked a little more settled when
On a less dreary day though waves I’d skim
At the best of times, I cannot swim in a straight line
A glance at the shore to see that I am fine
The wind was more or less directly from the west
This causing a fair rise in height to the swell
In a lumpy, slappy sea, my small body gently rose and fell
I settled into my solo swim, being alone is always a test

The swirling strength of sea water is hypnotic
And leaves sheer pleasure in the mystery of moving
The Sussex Coast beach is less than exotic
But a closeness to home and safety are soothing
Swimming over the submerged end of the sea defence
Barnacled monster beneath me gives momentary offence
Gazers try to see imagined images float across the sky
A patch of blue sky opened just to my left, over the sea.
Dolphins clouds swimming across the sky or seem to be
No science lesson needed to explain the why

This was just the reverse; a clean blue space in solid cloud
There was a distinct, crisp, almond shaped eye up where
 In the centre was a tiny white fluffy puff clear and proud
Forming perfectly placed the iris of the eye in the sky up there
 I reasoned that the central fluffy cloud has to be higher
Was it drifting along a more elevated plain I silently inquire
I am not averse to a bit of spirituality or a spot of spookiness
Smiling at the thought of an angel up there watching out for me
Breaks my concentration on the job in hand, I took the time to see
Mind wandering free where it would, miracle, or my own kookiness

Lifted up to the top of the wave as if I was a scrap of seaweed
The slap of the big waves and the odd feeling of being dropped
Water hitting the side of my face with surprising speed
That powerless feeling of being washed around and stopped
Sand laden waters turned a startling bright golden shade
Seagulls’ flying over the disturbance my swimming has made
The eye in the sky still watches my progress from far above
Within the rhythm of my stroke it becomes a fascination
I notice I am off course from my intended destination
Heading out to sea, would guide me back on course to show his love

In the overcast sky there the slightest glint of sunshine
I would stick my head down, trying to swim a firmer stroke
Then looking up to site and each time straighten up in line
Concentration breaks away from reverie now I have woke
I still found myself heading off diagonally toward France
Straighten up again, keep in line to shore and not to chance
That is not that easy for me since I breathe to the left
Though on my course I am swimming to the west
Most of the gull’s peel of which I feel is for best
The last one, staying, watches them fly away as if bereft

The last gull stayed with me, hovering on the headwind now
Slightly above and behind, where I was below his slow flight
Maybe it was hoping that would disturb marine life somehow
Provide him with dinner, so reason to keep me in sight
Close overhead, quite low, maybe there curious as to what
I was doing there, bobbing around in the water such a lot
With every exit my hand made so often from a wave
The gull would dip close in case there was a fish
I was sure now he thought I would provide a supper dish
A gentle tap on my fingers, him getting more than brave

Ploughing doggedly on, trying to think about my stroke
Nice and steady, stretch out, make my catch, pull it back
Push a handful of water away beneath each wave that broke
The feeling that I am very small in this strange attack
The sky eye watches all the action with silent interest
My thoughts are that it’s all far too weird to digest
 I’m not usually afraid whilst swim training in the sea
The feeling of the power of the water strong yet soft
But add the interaction between gull and the eye aloft
In the great, swirling, heaving mass the sea must be

I am roughly on a course beyond the breakwater bound
And by that fact in a normally safe close to shore zone
I have always thought of myself as unsinkably sound,
A buoyant piece of work, try to keep my muscles honed
I set back into getting this long hard swim done
And nibble away at the distance until I have almost won
I was closing on the first groyne along the promenade
And could just make out the next one in the line
Now navigation easier for a time and all will be fine
Kept an eye on the eye, as it focused on me, a fine charade

My seagull partner still in touch with the fingers on each hand
We had constant eye contact every bit of the way
I could have stopped at any time and swum in to the land
Then my swimming mate would surely go away
But I pushed on and admit I wanted this swim put to bed
If I had had the power then his feathers I would shred!
Getting there slowly and hadn’t suffered any twinge or ache
No fatigue but tingling with the cold I supposed
The eye in the cloud looked weary and slowly closed
For the next long swim; I’ll go to a nice clear calm lake!

When I swam as far as the half dozen breakwaters reach
Where the tow was even stronger, and I placidly took my pace
The tide was on the turn and I swam in toward the beach
The seagull turned casually away not giving one last chase 
I passed the last of the jolly coloured beach hut row
Plodding along to the bitter end my arms were all aglow
 My man had raised a big red towel for me to aim
Some of my friends were waiting there for me
To climb the pebble beach edge stones to see
Wrapped in a towel, watching the sea’s heaving game

Same view there as always nothing now out of place
Just one more training session completed
Looks like rain or maybe a thunderstorm to face
I’ve been in much worse water when I have competed
It had been interesting if a little bit alarming
A heavenly, eye and a sea bird less than charming
 With the rain clouds ahead it seemed strange
Almost complete cover of heavy rain cloud
Then a crack of thunder ear burstingly loud
All eyes turned away, now gone out of range

………written in September 2008

Daphne Janet Bathseba Belt

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