Monday, October 16, 2017

Open for discussion.

Having said some of the things below previously and some of the things below today,
I still confirm my belief that a poem is a mirror in a busy street.
The first of the following is a sonnet as far as I understand the rules.

Then we come to the piece below the dove sketch that follows some of the rules,
but not all of them.
It has fourteen lines
Each line has ten syllables.
There is a conclusion drawn.
It ends with a couplet.
The verses do not rhyme according any formal rule.

We Just Don’t Get It Do We?

What if you can try to live every day
The very best person that you can be,
Few will not find that a refreshing way
be kind and understanding, that’s the key.
Weigh up the good points in all that you meet
Truthfully keeping thought prejudice free.
Frankly talk to everyone that you greet.
hear them out even if you don’t agree.
What is this thing with the torn tatty jeans?
This fashion is something I just don’t get,
From poverty not born so what it means
is a mystery agreed to forget.
By this token hostility can cease;
Let us live forever more in world peace.

 What if we still don’t get it?

I feel that people who read this sonnet
did not get the message there within it;
wondered at the sudden introduction
of a flippant and unconnected thing.

It may seem that way, but that is not so,
the meaning is more simple than it seems,
if we encounter something we don’t get
something these other people believe true,

we should allow them to hold their belief.
Allowing them to continue this path
we are not damaged or threatened by them;
peace is kept, though fundamentals differ.

Each of the other, nothing demanding,
just a peaceful lack of understanding.

Daphne Belt

So all I am saying is that if there is a change or a movement that is in a direction contra to our own beliefs or feelings that we should let it slide, let is go, particularly if it does not threaten or harm our direction, our own path, our own lives and homes.

In the original sonnet there is a modern day expression used in texts, email, Facebook twitter etc. that is unacceptable by some. Although it is heavily clear, it is also invisible to others. By including this I am simply trying to reach more eyes, more hearts.
It is also something that can be taken, left alone, laughed at or completely ignored.

Please leave your comments on this page or email them to me:

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