Saturday, April 11, 2015

Declaration of intent

Declaration of Intent

She had always said,
As she sat in her chair
Or propped up in bed
That she would live
Until she was a hundred
That is what she said
 So frequently to me
It filled me with dread
That she could still be there
As I aged too you see
She would loudly declare
For any that were there
To get it in their head
That she would not be dead
For years yet so if
You thought she would be
Better become aware
She would still be fed
And cared for in her bed
Still more care to give
With ten more years to live
So imagine my surprise
Now she is not alive
I believed her when she said
How long she could thrive
That she would survive
‘Til she was a hundred years
Yet suddenly she was dead
And eyes so full of tears
The Presentation of the Rose 
It became the custom over time together
To make a gift of the years first Rose
Having suffered all of winters weather
When another chance of rebirth arose
To step firmly forward and try again
Not an olive branch but a simple rose
Close confinement can become a pain
To start again in each spring I chose 
Faintly veiled offering of renewed peace
I watched it growing my pretty Rose
She pained as infirmity would increase
A sacrifice from me to her I suppose 
Taking the single bud up to give
Minds last weak fight to keep my Rose
Past moods and hurtful words to forgive
Her elderly last resort effort to oppose 
Giving and receiving done with good grace
The glorious beauty of this newest Rose
Hope temper can take a slower pace
As one heart gives love and another froze

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