Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Messenger


The woods are still and quiet

and I find myself feeling disturbed.

Walking on without direction

twigs snap leaves crunch,

a silver birch grove of young trees

a recent plantation with light bark

cracked randomly.

The cool air causes me to shiver,

momentarily my eyes search expectantly.


There just ahead of me a small deer is standing

Looking at me as if he had stopped

just before I stopped,

as if posing for a painter but

he is no ‘Monarch’ though,

just a young Prince.


Something is staring me right in the face

I realise this at once.

Whatever it is must be as clear

as the rich warm amber eyes of the little stag.

He stops when he is level with me

though I had already stopped in my tracks

not wanting to frighten him.


Oh, my days, this is weird!

His stare is warm

there is no sign of fear or aggression.

He walks slowly toward me

through the undergrowth

until we are but a short distance away.

I have not moved a muscle as his path brings him closer

 yet not to confront me it seems.

Slowly, he steps to pass on one side

but stops level with me almost shoulder to shoulder.

His bright eyes still locked on mine as we both stand still,

frozen in time, yet the time span is mere seconds.

A wild Red Deer

is staring straight in my face.


He holds on to look deep into my eyes,

 fondly as if he knows me,

knows I will not harm him

like we had planned to meet there.

This is unbelievable

we are so close I could reach out

and touch his thick warm shiny coat.


Then he turns away and moves on,

unhurried, unconcerned, unafraid.

I turn my head to watch

as he slowly moves away

no sudden movement.


There is a sound

a cracking twig,

I turn back and look ahead of me.

I cannot believe my eyes

because there stands the same deer

In the same spot.


He is staring right into my eyes,

into my soul, my heart skips a beat.

It is the same little Red Deer

I glance behind me

there is no sign of him there.

Slowly I turn back

as the whole scenario

Is repeated

The same creature, the same height

about the size of a Shetland pony

yet with the same full rack,

same number of points, same white tips.

These are definitely the same velvet antlers,

the same rich red fur.

His eyes hold mine intently;

fixed, peaceably so

as he slowly approaches again.


And again, and again.

We are caught inexplicably

in a time-loop;

a gap slashed through infinity.


There is a crack of thunder

suddenly I feel a drop of water on my cheek

I look skyward at a flash of lightning.


There is no other sound.

There is no deer beside me.

My time slip moment has gone.


I pull the hood of my jacket up over my head

striding on towards my parked car

deep down inside, I know this…..


Something is staring me in the face





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