Wednesday, January 20, 2021




I see no good reason to act my age;

most of my school friends are dead.

Nicer to be known as a wise old sage

not to be spoken down to instead.

Every day, turn to a new page.


It must be preferable to be venerated,

thoughts you have are more profound

once the highlife list is gone and sated

your body and brain kept tight and sound.

Now all your tales should be related

feet squarely placed upon the ground.


You may prefer those comfortable shoes

yet not half ready to forsake convention.

bright new smile outwardly, just to confuse

making clear your every firm intention,

the wise recognise who would abuse.

Defy as always confining invention

to slake originality, thirsting to bemuse.


Stay open minded as new ideas debut,

dullness falls when one’s curiosity is lost

understanding slips and slides askew

calming down leaves brain cell mossed.

Pills are not needed when a walk will do

contemplating space leaves eyes crossed.

Open thoughts for others to construe

each day embroidered and embossed.


Treat your body as your temple spire,

your mind respecting at its holy altar.

Lift your spirit set your heart on fire

your wit and love a personal Psalter.


 Daphne Belt written in 2016 tripped over it in a search through my files for something else entirely this morning and it just emmed to match my thoughts this morning.




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