Saturday, January 16, 2021

Bike workout indoors 3 hours total.

 Looking out of the window today I thought that even if we were not in a power lockdown, it was not a day that I would have been going out on my bike or for a run either, since it was lashing with rain and a small river was flowing past in the road outside.


 As it was, Steve and I had no intention of going out this morning and soon after our morning coffee and a quick catch up of the news, that was as horrible as ever, he started clearing back the furniture and setting up our bikes, ready for us to turbo our legs off, whilst binge watching the men’s two-man bob sleigh racing which was a World Cup event from St Moritz.






Ordinarily we would have taken a holiday break to go and cheer Team GB on from the icy side lines, shouting our heads off in support. We love that whole scene and once in the town at that time, we would be there to encourage our women and men over the few days it is in progress, watching all the races, two-man, four man and skeleton in both men’s and women’s races.


The morning progressed in the warmth of our living room, watching the first round of the two-man event first, as we did our workout on our designated turbo bikes. There was a break of about 45 minutes between the first round and the final, in which the fastest twenty pairs would do battle for the podium. 



Steve changed over to the Biathlon racing for the period in between when we watched the team relay. It was snowing as hard there, as it was raining here. We had stocks of water to get us through and also another coffee in the middle. 

It was amazing how quickly the time passed watching two top flight winter sports events in a four-part sandwich of Bob/ Biathlon/Bob/biathlon and both were a very exciting and entertaining way of getting us through a solid three-hour turbo training session.


 Three hours in the saddle is a good solid workout for the races that we hope against hope will not be cancelled or postponed for a second year, that would be a crushing blow.




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