Monday, November 9, 2020

Tea for Two and Two for Turbo



We are both feeling a lot better today after a nasty tummy upset but still thought it better after not to go for a run and shake it all up again.

So we set about doing a turbo session instead and taking that easy too.

I was reminded by a friend to make sure that I drank plenty today since I would have been dehydrated.


So we eased ourselves into the exercise with a bit of lightweight sit-com stuff on TV.

Steve and I more or less agree on what is funny and what is not and on surfing to find something funny we found and watched; Will and Grace

 and then Two and a Half Men before moving on to something more serious.

Then we settled in to work a bit harder with episode 20 of season 3 of The West Wing, that we have been working our way through for the second time during Covid season.

During our spin down period we were talking about our UK sit-com preferences.

The best, we thought between us as really funny, had been; Men behaving badly, Outnumbered, and My family and The thin blue line.

 Is there anything as funny on TV now ’cos if so, we’ve missed them.


 This is a bit late going on because my computer suddenly stopped working in a sort of totally blocked way, nothing opened when I clicked them.

Of course, there is an outside chance that I might have got a bit cross with it!

Listening to the voices in my head I thought…. What would sensible people who knew all about computers say? MMMMM.

So that’s what I did turned it off and walked away.

I thought we might have ended our relationship and frankly, I was at the time happy for that to happen.

So off I trotted and did several other jobs, had a talk to the cat, draped the washing around the couple of airing frames I have since it was now raining as well.

I don’t like to use the tumble dryer too much; it seems like a very extravagant piece of machinery to me.

That sort of thing is what Steve refers to as my old war time poverty-stricken mentality.

The thing I do on that level that annoys him most is; squeeze two slivers of used soap together and never throw the last thin piece away. I blame the parents. Oh, and war time.


When Stephen came in to the house after work this afternoon, I told him that my computer had broken. I had not tried to start it again.

He went in and turned it on and it opened normally. I couldn’t believe it.

Still I would have lost everything I had written for this diary page today I was sure.

I clicked open Word.

I was about to restart my piece for today when a notice came up that declared; ‘Word has saved an unsaved page’ My jaw dropped to the floor in amazement.

The photos used today are from out turbo session when Steve just clicked a photo every now and then as we watched TV and talked to each other.

They are all rather nice and so I have not deleted as many as I usually do.



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