Thursday, November 5, 2020


           COVID Fan Tutte performed: Finnish National Opera and Ballet

Yesterday was difficult for my husband who had antiques delivery and collection work to do that was all over the place.

Of course, yesterday was also the last day before this second Lockdown restrictions came into place.

He found that the roads were packed everywhere, presumably they were all getting as much done as possible before the restrictions began, as was he.

A day that would normally have brought him home by about 4pm, when he would have relaxed by cooking dinner, as usual, he loves to cook;

Caused him to get stuck in major traffic jams everywhere and two lengthy diversions.

At the time that he had expected to get home, he was still thirty miles away and had one more collection the pick- up.

He had kept in touch with me so that I would not worry.

That doesn’t really work either though does it?

We all know that accidents are more liable to happen when people are aggravated and tired.

Each time we ended the call I said “Drive carefully and don’t get cross”.

 He finally made it to the last call and loaded to items into his van.

The items were not huge and he got into the back of the van to secure them to the side.

There must have been a gust of wind and the van door slammed shut, locking him inside!

He had parked on a hill nose downward so it didn’t take much to allow that to happen.

It was getting on of 7pm by that time and everywhere was closed.

He had no option but to wait for a passer by that he could called to for help.

It was only about twenty minutes sitting in the dark for the sound of footsteps.

Luckily the person who responded to Steve’s shouts, found it amusing and not frightening and stopped to open the door for him.


Neither of us like to eat late at night and so I just made a bacon bagel each.

It was too late to start cooking seriously.

A scoop of ice cream slid that down nicely.


We looked for something light hearted to watch before we went to bed.

Just by chance as Steve searched the hundreds of options,

I spotted something that looked most unusual.

The title caught my eye.

‘Covid Fan Tutte’, performed by the Finnish National Opera and Ballet.

That made us smile and there was no further discussion about it.

The words had been changed of course but the music was as written by Mozart.

Beautifully sung and hilariously funny.


Just what the doctor ordered. We loved it.

Thank you so much Finnish National Opera.






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