Thursday, June 11, 2020

Time Traveler’s Testing Time.


Time Traveler’s testing time.

Just let me get my training for today out of the way before I go off on another journey of the mind. We started our run this morning a little after the crack of dawn this morning it has got beyond a joke trying to start our run in time for sunrise, since the sun is still traveling and giving us more and more daylight and that is marvellous as I see it. It was still only 5.20 am when we started running.

It is almost like a magic spell has been cast on my running recently since it just seems to get better and better. Having got ten miles under the belt on Tuesday my husband/coach Steve thought a six miler would be perfect for today. We are so lucky to have fabulous countryside so close to our home. If you want it in simple terms it is just two miles as the crow flies to the woods and beyond that the whole of the South Downs to train in.

The Monarchs Way slices right through our everyday stomping ground and so it would be fairly hard even for strangers out walking, to get lost because all the finger posts have a little sign on them. The walk follows the route of Charles II after his defeat at the battle of Worcester in 1651 and the whole trail is 615 miles from Worcester to Shoreham Harbour, quite close to where we live.


As we enjoyed our training run today, Steve told me that the yesterday afternoon while I was writing, he was playing on the computer looking at old race results to see how often our run times in events have been quite close and these are the ones he found before his eyes glazed over. It is interesting, but of course we have always run trained together so not that surprising. In fact in one event we were called before the technical committee after a race and questioned about our very similar times and it was suggested that Steve had paced me. In fact another competitor had raised the issue after looking at the results. It was not the case because in all of these results shown here, we had started the event in different waves so it was, that we were nowhere near each other, but I had won my age group and so it appeared to be sour grapes.  It has always amazed me from the start all those years ago, just how serious people can take the sport. Steve and I, it has to be said, have always raced more for the fun of it. Personal satisfaction was all. But take a look and you will see how it could look, if you didn’t know that quite often we never even saw each other during a race.


These are all from my first year of triathlon 1991 showing just the run section.

Steve 47.59
Daf 48.24

Steve 50.37
Daf 50.20

Steve 50.10
Daf 50.10

Daf 48.55

Steve 47.36
Daf 46.05

East Grinstead
Steve 49.05
Daf 47.56

At home today after running we did one short sessions of Qigong and an hour of Yo-qi with long holds and breathing practice….. I know, but I like the practice in case I forget how to breathe! Yes that was a joke, pathetic.

Just a few words here on TV current affairs. I do not think it is right to pull down monuments, no matter what era of history they represent. They still are the history of which ever nation, and I personally do not think they should be switched around like shop windows fittings to suit rioting mobs. Otherwise surely the whole of Bristol should be replaced since it was built on the gathered wealth of men leading the slave trade in that area. This is just my view on the matter and unless I am very much mistaken we are still allowed to say what our feelings are. Of course that human trafficking was a shameful trade, yes of course definitely. History is history though none the less. When I was a teenager and took a train ride to London I would often listen to who ever was shouting the odds as I passed speakers corner in Hyde Park. There is no tax on thinking for yourself yet thankfully.

I watched Star Trek when it started years ago and I very much liked to suggestion that it was OK to travel through time and space, but it was not allowed to change history. I was a 'Trekkie' for a long time and still watch to odd episode now and again when I am ironing and a still enjoy it, the show put some very interesting ideas out there.

Time travel is something that I would like to be able to do, it always makes for an interesting story. My own favourite was 11.22.63 by Stephen King where the main character when back through time to try to prevent the assassination of JFK. Great book and TV series. The other one that I just adored was The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, I read that when it first came out and rushed to see the film. I read The Time Machine by H. G. Wells donkeys years ago and found that idea fascinating.

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