Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Things we have missed

Seeing  my family comes first of course, way in the lead.  We make a point of having at least one evening a month when we sit down to eat together, most times at home and it matters not which home that is in or if it is just in the kitchen, there is no need for setting up formal tables, though we do for a special occasion. 

Just a casual time to talk over everything that has happened since we last came together for a while. Not that we have been out of touch exactly because there have been emails and texts and photos on Face book and Instagram and FaceTime, but this is an hour of two of calm and togetherness and love.  

Steve and I also have a grand bunch of close friends who share the love of sport and we so miss those moments nattering together before of after a swim session or a bike ride, or a run. 

Tea shops sometimes figure into post exercise times too. Well  anyway for me the thing I have missed most in chattering idly to  those we love.

Family and friends. My small poetry group too though again we have been in touch here and there. we meet once a month and have in reality, only missed one meeting so far and yet it seems like ages ago that we got together to share our work read to each other using our fellow poets as sounding boards. I thank God for them all and miss them all so.
This time is not forever but it will still be so for a good while yet if we are sensible.
As a final note, wouldn’t it have helped us through this if the complete truth had been spoken by our leaders. They pretended that we were kept partially in the dark for our protection, so that there would not be total panic. Seems to me the only thing people really panicked about was toilet rolls. As to any other advice it seems that a huge number of people took no notice what so ever and carried on doing exactly as they wanted and still are. 

I am so glad that I have family and friends who are kind and thoughtful and helpful.
It is true though that I have missed company but I have not missed going out very much at all because there has been such huge amount of free theatre on TV.
It has been great having my husband at home with my all the time and I am blessed that he is also my best friend and of course coach, he hasn’t slacked on that front at all. Our running is much improved and we have been spinning our legs off on our turbo trainers.  Swimming has been badly missed but we have been doing plenty of arms and shoulder stuff so that performance  won’t suffer too badly.   There has also been an hour ballet workout every other day and there is noticeable improvement already from  that in balance and muscle tone.

I few of my poems here that seem to reflect my feelings right now about this time when things are not the same as they were.
Round the Table

What could be more heart-warming
than sitting comfortably around a table.
A family bond or friendship forming
chatting and butting in for all you’re able.

When everybody tries to speak as one
happiness and laughter rule the roost,
waiting for a punch line as a story is spun
loving and togetherness easily produced.

The food is of secondary concern
swopping every exciting gem of news.
World problems and every can of worms
left out whilst friendly tales amuse.

Bluebell Blessings

So many visitors walking the woods today
and here the reason is quite simply found.
A purple carpet leads the unready eye away
thunderstruck, every way you turn around.

Breathtaking perfume rules woodland air
the finer senses within the soul are stirred.
Sight, smell and touch all drawn there
musical accompaniment of a chirping bird

Slim animal track guides devotees through
snapping woody winter debris under foot.
Admirers do come now but far too few
a mite too muddy for a townie pussyfoot.

The glory of the Bluebells should be known
a few weeks of ultimate pleasure blessed.
Depth of colour into memory banks shown
or owned only in a romantic spirits breast.

Take these sweet moments whilst you may
how soon this sweetest sight is forgotten.
A lazy life indoors and nature’s forfeits pay
 as easily left behind as dreams were gotten.

White Dead Nettle

A harmless relation of the common Nettle
side by side on banks and in woodland found.
The stinging bully robust and in fine fettle
dainty White Dead Nettle closer to the ground.

Few people nowadays dare to test an old claim
that a brewed infusion will make the heart merry.
A wayside potion for colour and cheer was its fame
a calming sedative for other things more ordinary.

Used for reducing inflammation and swelling
to the upper airways directly applied,
for catarrh boiled flowers sound repelling
a gift of nature’s cures generously supplied.

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