Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sir Crow

Sir Crow 

You are not the type that I hoped would call
No, no, no you are not the type at all
Yet I find your boisterous visit can amuse
There is not much food that you refuse
When my bird house was first put in place
It was for pretty birds to thus showcase
Not great hulking brutes like you young sir
But birds with daintier colours I’d prefer
I have to admit you have some talent
Though very rude and far from gallant
Watching your perfect sly invasive art
To other feathered friends your skills impart
Barging in to grab a chunk of bread
Selecting the biggest piece it must be said
Then drop it in the nearest puddle
To soften your breakfast not to befuddle
As protein is required you find a snail
Break its shell whilst holding firm its tail
There is not much that you won’t eat
Invading gardens is for you an easy feat
I feel toward you considerable aggravation
Death will not arise from slow starvation


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