Thursday, May 5, 2016


I slept heavily last night
Deeply and troubled
The nightmare seemed to last forever
It was a combination
Of remembering a fright
Coupled with
A loved one’s visitation
Meant the images were doubled
Yes, a combination of things
There was a fall
In my recollection
That had happened
Three years ago
Almost to the day
Well nearly anyway
A painful journey home
From a holiday
The pain in my dream
Was as severe
As it was then
Three years ago
As if three broken bones
Ugly cuts and grazes
Were not enough to take
My dear sister in law
Rang as we drove home
I heard her clearly last night
My brother was very ill
She said, "Very ill"
My brother was with me last night
In the room near the bed
“Hello Baby” he said
At least he said that in my head
Same pet name from childhood
It wasn’t dark, it wasn’t light
The pain in my foot and arm
Almost unbearable I swear
He stood peacefully
No sense of fear or harm
As he stood quietly there
Looking into my eyes
 I woke up and found
That I was still in pain
Climbed out of bed
Without a sound
I limped out to the hall
Still in pain
Then I heard my husband call
Calling back I said
That I had had a dream
That I was broken still
He told me it was in my head
Just a dream my sweet man said
Then fully awake
The pain slipped slowly away
To a level more bearable
I know not which had
Caused the most pain
Reliving my agony or
That my brother was gone again


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