Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Still thinking nice thoughts

Even after three of four days, I am still unsettled by the horrid and quite uncalled for experience in Arundel last Sunday. Not talking about it with my husband probably did not help. However I did feel better for writing about it and have told a couple of friends what happened. I have been keeping myself busy and have buried myself in my poetry and that has also helped.  All my scheduled training has gone ahead as usual and I have my first event of the 2016 season this coming Sunday. I’m looking forward to that and won’t even mind if the snow that is forecast, brought in by Storm Jake actually happens; the event is called the Frostbite after all and is quite short, just 400 metres swim in my home pool and a 5km run along our town prom.
Being Nice
Let’s be nice to each other please
Surely that’s not hard to achieve
Being nice costs nothing… no fees
Kind words can be given for free
At least in my mind, hope you agree

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