Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bank Holiday Shopping

Its a mystery is it not. Most shops are open pretty much every day these days, some with 24 hour service. So why is there still massive crowd doing a huge shop up for the Easter weekend? The shops were open on Friday, open again today and the rest of the weekend. Can somebody explain it to me.
We went to pick up something we had forgotten and could not believe the panic shopping. The World and his wife and even bumped into my ex husband for I have not seen in a couple of years.
That's what the grizzle below is about.

Who are those people who stand and gape
Blocking the middle of the supermarket aisle
Trolleys both ways and there’s no escape
The grimaces rule and you’ll lose that smile 

Perhaps they have forgotten to write a list
Their eyeballs now are completely glazed
They move so slowly as if in an invisible mist
What is it that grabs them and leaves them dazed? 

The supermarket syndrome seems to effect
People from all walks of life and all ages
Mesmerised as shopping they try to collect
Hours so cheap no thought of time engages 

It’s an international problem that needs treatment
It’s spreading at the speed of the plague
Do gooder’s will say it’s caused by maltreatment
And nothing to do with laziness or being vague

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