Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Spirit, Heart and Strength of Will

Spirit, Heart and Strength of Will
Versus Logic, Caution and Common sense 

Common sense means what to you?
Carefully weighing up what to do
Playing life safe and not making waves
How the practical person behaves
Wishing and hoping and carefully saves
Or clawing out of our respective caves
Searching inside for our spirit’s aim
Not settling for a life so ordered and tame 

An every day schedule from nine to five
Sinking into the shadow or coming alive
Grasping the nettle and feeling the sting
Take heart to search for a road with some zing
Striving with real effort at everything
Teeth gritting for a better tomorrow to bring
That little pump working as hard as it can
Not to end back exactly where you began 

Summoning up deepest strength of will  
To start again each day is too bitter a pill
Never believe that you cannot do better
Following the safe school word to the letter
From fear of becoming a loaded debtor
Struggle and work to be a go getter
Speak loud enough to be audible
Performing to a standard more laudable 

Proceed with caution but not with fear
Keep the principles you hold most dear
Never stop when the going gets tough
Push on relentlessly as the path gets rough
Dig deep when you stand at the edge of a bluff
When as hard as you try it’s never enough
Live goes on well past that first high peak
Your own strength built to the goal you seek

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