Friday, June 26, 2020

Battle of Bournemouth Beach


After watching the astonishing behaviour of the general public who had poured to the beach in Bournemouth I have to say that I am totally disgusted that anybody could conduct themselves so badly. My feelings are as follows:

No matter how hard that they have found to lock down and I can see that it must have been more difficult for families with children. It was wrong to invade a beautiful beach and it was an invasion. Then to disobey all the guide lines that have been set out for starting to come back to a near normal way of living. There was no visible social distancing being practiced or even hinted at. There was an unruly hoard shown on TV. The report said that many of the people were visitors who had traveled by train although many had arrived in their family cars. 

Setting aside for a moment that the weather was indeed a marvellous hot sunny day and that the children may have begged parents to take them to the beach. The parents are still supposed to be the responsible guardians of those children. Taking them to Bournemouth beach when obviously it would be crowded with people from who knows where, many from London that has a much worse Covid 19 virus record than the South East and the South West, was endangering their own family. What were they thinking?

Worse still they left all their litter behind on the beach. 40 Tons of it. To quote Eamonn Holmes, who was talking about this behaviour himself on TV this morning, “It looked like a pigsty” It did look like a herd of pigs had left and that is what had happened. It was a jaw dropping sight. A massive group of people had made no attempt to take their rubbish home or at least take to the first litter bin they could fine with any space in. So yes; they are pigs. Can you imagine what the inside of their homes look like? Some residents said that people used their gardens as a toilet. Disgusting and downright inhuman. 

On Wednesday Steve and I went to Littlehampton beach briefly for a swim. The promenade was full, and cars were circling every car park and road leading to the beach for parking spaces. Even so it did not begin to look as bad as the television report from Bournemouth yesterday.

There could have been no pleasure in even being there on the lovely sandy beaches of Bournemouth with so many in the crowd. The public toilet facilities are few and could not have hoped to cope with crowds of those proportions, so we know where most of them went to the toilet don’t we. Pigs. I am ashamed for them because they can have no shame for themselves.

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