Saturday, December 5, 2020

Clearing the fog


Purely by chance, as my dear husband Stephen trolled through what was available on You Tube, in the hope of finding something that would cheer us both up and lift our spirits, he stumbled upon a recording from the spectacular Opera House in Oslo, home of the from the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet.


It was the Kirsten Flagstad Jubilee Concert. I know, I didn’t know anything about her either but the Gob-smacking initial attraction was the very sight of that astonishing national opera house as shown so dramatically in the photo I have place at the head of this diary blog today. Kirsten Flagstad was we were told one of the most famous and successful opera singers of her time and indeed the 20th century.


So, introduced by the artistic director Randi Stone, we had the Norwegian National orchestra conducted by Kirill Karabits with full and socially distanced chorus and a great selection of guest performers. Soprano Elisabeth Teige was astonishing and too many other top flight guests to mention here without simply copying the programme in full. 

 Our favourite few moments of the evening was the Overture from Wagner’s  Tannhäuser and highlights from Der Fliegende Holländer and all exquisitely performed. Stephen and I sat in raptures throughout and even passed our usual bedtime without noticing. Miss Birdy the cat slept through most of it but woke now and again with a start at the loud bits. The concert is available right up until May 28th so there if plenty of time to watch it.


Being as I am, not totally blind to the fact that I have, during the latter end of the last nine months, assisted by natures rationing of daylight, sunk unashamedly into a swamp of self-pity, through missing all my family and friends so much that it has actually been physically, excruciatingly painful. Unbearable sometimes, when I have forced myself to do lots and lots of deep breathing exercises and head massages to break the tension, often in the darkness of the night.

My only joy has been the time spent outside running in the woods and time with the comfort of my husband and cat. My husband Stephen has been so concerned that he has taken me with him any time he had work that involved a journey of any distance, just to get me out of the house for a change of scenery. This week I loved the drive around the Cotswolds and once, as far as Nottingham, although I did not drink throughout these journeys, so that I would not have to answer the call of nature.  We listened to nine hours of the book that we are at last coming to the end of, which was the third in the Kingsbridge Trilogy by Ken Follett that on audible is about 110 hours long and has been a great distraction during these horrendous days, weeks and months avoiding the Covid Monster.



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