Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Bit Long in the Tooth



 No entry appeared on in diary yesterday and that was mainly I am sorry to say because I do not take lightly, any reminder of my advancing years. Normally I am proud of the condition that I am in due to that fact that throw myself into my triathlon training with open enthusiasm knowing that it is my daily exercise routine that keeps me in such fine fettle. So when something goes awry, I tend not to take in with a smile on my face.


So when during dinner the other evening, I was conscious of a hard crunchy bit in my mouth just before I swallowed it, I gently cleared the rest of the food in my mouth and left my tongue to investigate. I kept the findings to myself and did not mention it to my husband. Not then, not later. Not the next day. In fact, I waited until this afternoon before I told him that a quite large chunk had broken off one of me back teeth.


I have always gone for regular checks at the dentist. The last visit was because I had broken neighbouring tooth at the tail end of last year.

I had difficulty getting an appointment immediately and in fairness there was not pain involved with that broken tooth.

Finally, I went to my usual dentist who conducted my six-monthly check up, at the same time looking at the damage.

He told me that I would need a crown fitted and that is would cost between £200 and £300 pounds. He said that there was not any nerve left in the tooth.


Because it was so much money, I said I would think about it, but he said, that the receptionist would be give me an appointment date for the work ignoring my thinking time. My dentist, if one of only a few people, who openly treat me like a little old lady.  Very few others do that; there is who works as a paramedic and another who is a GP who seem to check on me now and again or tell me to be careful or to take things a bit easier or advise me to remember my age.


Anyway. Then. Along came Covid 19 and the lockdown. After some time, I had a message from the dental surgery to say that my appointment had been postponed until October, yes, this October. A couple of weeks before the appointment date there was another message to say that the slot had been postponed again and that they would send another one when things returned to normal.


So now I have two broken teeth. Neither of them are painful, thank heaven and all the angels.

They are both right at the back and with fingers firmly crossed I plan to leave things as they are for now. When the time comes to face the dentist, who I rather cruelly call ‘Arthur the awful’, but not to his face of course, and for no reason other than that he works very fast and efficiently, which I find a little alarming. The dentist chair is not my favourite place.


To conclude, I WILL see how things have progressed before having any work done. Having gone for about nine months already I think, and not had any bother, I do not feel like spending double the original payment amount mentioned for the first tooth.  Neither of the teeth can be seen when I laugh and I am not vain enough to ask for perfection this late in my life.




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