Sunday, September 13, 2020

Wow! A Sunny Sunday

The weather forecast is not always accurate and so we are still best advised to get up as early as possible and at least take a peek at the world beyond the curtains, just to make sure that the weather lady was correct when she promised a fine day. Well that is what we did anyway, in the hope of a day nice enough to go out for a ride on our bikes. 

At first light this morning it looked too good to be true, and so with just a quick cup of coffee thrown down our throats, Steve had dressed in bike kit and gone outside to check the bike tyres and have everything ready for a useful bike ride. Meanwhile I need to do a bit of titivating still, and to do that mainly involves a short battle with my unruly locks to force my wild tresses into tight bunches just behind my ears, which is the most comfortable tried and tested method for getting my wiry mop to behave well under my bike helmet.

My daughter above on her recent birthday picnic with her young dog Jeffery.

Days like this do not come along that often. A sunny Sunday with no wind, not too hot and not too cold, but just right; as Goldilocks said as she ate baby bears porridge. Steve and I had a lovely ride and managed to pop in a surprise call to a friend we had not seen for a month, which doesn’t sound much, but it’s a friend that we used to see at least four times a week at the pool, or the cinema or over a dinner table. Anyway, we had a short properly socially distanced catch up. Then on with the rest of the ride.

We had hoped to get out on our bikes today, especially since it would have been a race day as I mentioned yesterday. We were not out that long, but it was the distance we would have ridden in Brighton and Hove Triathlon today had it been allowed, 25 miles.

The sea looked marvellous with the sun beaming down making the Mediterranean blue waves to sparkle invitingly on the outward leg of our ride but the colour had changed as we reached two miles from home and the water had turned Green; Still beautiful, but there were some clouds by then. As we rode along the sea road on our way home, we saw lots of serious swimming going on too, and I gave a wave or two just in case I knew any of them.

Steve and I had our weekend breakfast of bagels and coffee before he needed to go to work for the rest of the day. I changed into something comfortable, set some washing off, including our bike kit and then I set about some gardening for a few hours. Miss Birdy who had become an isolated cat during the plague season, was allowed to come out into the garden with me but only with her snuggly fitted harness on, but with a generous allowance of lead, which I extended with some string. She makes such a big deal about wearing the harness whilst in the garden but funnily enough, when I present it to her whilst still indoors, before we even go out, she starts to purr warmly knowing that we will go out soon. Once out though, she pretends that it is a sadistic form of torture, putting on a big act for a little while to show how unkind it is. The truth is though that she does like to be as close to me as possible most of the time, so the harness is better than being left indoors.

Miss Birdy the drama queen plays to the crowd about harnessed indignity.

I wore my new sun hat as I worked outside since it was quite warm. I was very happy with it when it arrived and immediately bought another one as a little extra present for my daughter’s recent birthday. She is a professional photographer but also big into gardening and has a much larger garden than us. On her birthday she looked amused as she tried it on and pulled her pony tail through the space in the back. Her door bell rang as she looked at it in the mirror. When she came back after talking at the front door as she was handed even more flowers. She said that it was a friend of hers, who told her not to wear the hat anywhere but in the garden! I pointed out that that was just a little bit rude and she agreed, but I could see that she intended to take her friends advice and add to that, that my son in law was also trying to supress a smile.

All in all, today was a lovely satisfying day. Beautiful weather, a most enjoyably bike ride, a lot of work done in my little garden and the Tour de France on TV to look forward to as I wrote all this up.


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