Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Invitation to Scribblers poetry group


Sunday October 8th & November 12th at 2-4pm
For anybody who is afflicted with the need to scribble. Come and read what you have written to other poets and authors who would love to listen to you.
 Let us gather together in friendship at the ‘Look and Sea’ Visitor Centre
 in Littlehampton, above the Harbour Lights Café, overlooking the River Arun.
There is a pay and display car park nearby. Email me with your questions or to say that you cannot wait to meet us and read your poems, flash fiction, scribblings etc.

Welcome to my blog. It was formerly my sports diary and I have not posted during the summer months whilst I was busy training and competing in triathlon events. Since I don’t have any races for the next 6-7 weeks I thought it might be useful to use it to give out any more information and answers to questions that people might have about the new writing group Scribblers.

I live in Littlehampton and previously went, when I could to the Worthing WOW Write Nights when they were in Frasers Bay at the Connaught Theatre and then last year at St Pauls, just over the road from there. I thought St Pauls was a big improvement on Frasers, I personally did not like it much since the actual bar remained open and there were coming and goings while readings were in progress. I really missed those meetings and so thought I would start another closer to my home.

This blog was at first used for my own poetry but drifted into being more of a diary  as I said. If anybody has a poem they would like me to post here please sent it to me in an email and I will happily put it up. Meanwhile I will post one of mine every now and again until we get going. Email:

Just to fill the space I have added a couple of photos that show evidence that about three years ago I had an accident when I was out run training and broke three bones. I was so angry with myself and had no idea how a prize fidget like me was going to cope with being out of action for a while. It was pretty soon after that I realise I must impose some sort of discipline on my self to save myself from being permanently grumpy. The idea that came up to keep me from sulking was that I must write a poem a day until my fitness was restored. I have always loved poetry even as a child but writing was new although I was always big into letter writing and had a number of pen pals as a teenager.  

I did do a full year of one a day poems but then settled down to a couple a week and have not stopped. So much about me. Let’s hear about you.

                                              Mrs Grumpy at Worthing Hospital in 2013

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